Hi guys, really hoping someone can help me with this.
I've spent the lost 4 days solid configuring Attract-Mode with custom videos, marquees, artwork etc and it was all working great.
I've changed nothing on my system, no new codecs, no updates, no changes to any ini files etc etc...
I started up Attract-Mode earlier and I get absolutely no sound from either the video files or the custom mp3's that should play when entering/exiting a game.
I've gone in to the settings and everything is okay, the sound volume is set to 100 but yet there's no sound when playing any video or mp3 from within Attract Mode!!
If I exit Attract-Mode and go to the video or music folders and playback the files from Windows Media Player they all play fine with sound loud and clear.
Something within Attract-Mode is muting all sound so does anyone please have any ideas or can recommend something to try to get the sound working again please!
Thanks in advance