Try this:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
rem ================================================================================
rem This script basically does the same thing as DM's favorites romlist generator
rem but on Windows [Shouts to him for the pi version ;)].
rem How it works:
rem It grabs all the (tagged) favorites from every tag file, searches for them
rem through all the romlists, then generates a romlist called Favorites.txt
rem Written by Steve Sherrod, 05/20/17, as part of project HyperPie Expanded
rem ================================================================================
rem Default path (on windows). This should point to your attract modes romlists dir
cd "C:\HyperArcade\romlists\"
echo ==========================================================
echo AM favorites romlist generator script for Windows
echo ==========================================================
sleep 1
echo - Backing up old Favorites.txt file
rem remove the old Favorites.txt and create the backup
if exist Favorites.txt (
move /y Favorites.txt Favorites.txt.backup
echo - Gathering list of favorites (tag files)
set /a numfavorites=0
set /a romlist=0
rem loop through each tag file
for %%f in (*.tag) do (
echo - Processing tag file: %%~nf.tag
set /a numtagfiles=numtagfiles+1
rem loop through favorites stored in tag file
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "%%~nf.tag"') do (
set /a numfavorites=numfavorites+1
set favorite=%%a
echo - Searching rom list: %%~nf.txt for rom: %%a
rem loop through each rom file and parse favorited (tagged) roms
for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('type "%%~nf.txt"') do (
set /a romlist=romlist+1
set str=%%s
rem Search current line (for current favorite substring) and if found, append it to Favorites.txt
echo."!str!" | findstr /C:%%a>nul && (
echo "!str!">>"Favorites.txt"
echo - Favorites.txt romlist generated. !numtagfiles! romlists read, !numfavorites! favorites written to disk
echo - Done
echo Add a display in Attract Mode and set its romlist to the newly created Favorites.txt