I try to make a sample with Shuffle module by keilmillerjr.
I want to wheel image (B) change following by pointer change only, snap video (A) remain playing orginial before press select button to confirm. Please help me if you know how to modify the code. Thanks.
class UserConfig {
local flw = fe.layout.width;
local flh = fe.layout.height;
fe.layout.width = 1920;
fe.layout.height = 1080;
local snap = fe.add_artwork( "snap", -240, 0, 1920, 1080 );
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local wheel = fe.add_artwork( "wheel", 1500, 600, 400, 400 );
wheel.preserve_aspect_ratio = true;
local config = {};
config.list <- {
x = flw*1.1,
w = flw*0.305,
h = flh*0.120,
local list = [];
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.080, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.145, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.210, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.275, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.340, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.405, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.470, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.535, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.600, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.665, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.730, config.list.w, config.list.h));
list.push(fe.add_text("[ListEntry]. [Title]", config.list.x, flh*0.795, config.list.w, config.list.h));
class ShuffleList extends Shuffle {
function _refreshSelected(slot) {
slot.font="BebasNeue Regular.ttf";
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 36;
slot.set_rgb ( 254, 232, 53 );
function _refreshDeselected(slot) {
slot.font="BebasNeue Regular.ttf";
slot.align = Align.Left;
slot.charsize = 36;
slot.set_rgb (119, 183, 34);
local list = ShuffleList({slots=list, reset=false});
function on_signal( sig )
switch ( sig )
case "up":
fe.signal( "prev_game" );
return true;
case "down":
fe.signal( "next_game" );
return true;
case "select":
return false;
fe.add_signal_handler( this, "on_signal" );