Hi, I just integrated this system to AM with the FS UAE emulator, I have gone crazy until I finally managed to make it work, since I had never used it.
To configure it I have done it as follows:
executable D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ System \ FS-UAE \ Windows \ x86-64 \ fs-uae.exe
args --amiga-model = CD32 --kickstart_ext_file = "D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ kickstarts \ CD32 Extended-ROM rev 40.60 (1993) (Commodore) (CD32) .rom" --kickstart_file = "D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ kickstarts \ Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.60 (1993) (Commodore) (CD32) .rom "--fullscreen --cdrom_drive_0 =" [romfilename] "
rompath D: \ AM \ emulators \ cd32 \ roms
romext .zip
system Amiga CD 32
info_source thegamesdb.net
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork boxart D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ boxart
artwork cartart D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ cartart
artwork snap D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ videos
artwork wheel D: \ AM \ medias \ cd32 \ wheels
The games games start perfectly and without problems, only there is one, for the moment that I have tried, that fails, the alien breed tower assault.
It starts up, the system logo comes out, I wait for it to load and the logo comes out again, and so on until I get bored and quit because the game doesn't even start.
Looking for the problem, I have read something that the insertion of the CD ROM needs to be delayed.
The emulator that I downloaded turns out that it has several executables, I use the one that does not use GUI, but if I look at the executable that uses GUI, there is an option called delay when inserting the cd rom.
The question is how I can activate that option from the argument if it can or should be done there, or if it has to be activated from another site