Author Topic: Strange issue with wheel controller  (Read 2765 times)


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Strange issue with wheel controller
« on: February 20, 2022, 12:47:53 PM »
Hey guys, got another strange one. Did search around a bit but wasn't able to find anything.

When AM is used as the front-end to load wheel supported games, the wheel loses some of its default behavior like spring (re-centering) and turn resistance.

If load the games straight via its emulator the spring and resistance remain. So it's like AM is interfering with the behavior.

Any way to adjust this?

EDIT: Looks like I can set a global re-center value instead of the default "by game" setting, not ideal but should help for now. Still wondering if there's any way for AM not to take over the wheel behavior.

Thanks as always.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 12:57:38 PM by sTo0z »