Author Topic: Smart joystick auto configuration mapping (raspberry -retropie - attract mode)  (Read 2829 times)


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    • cdlab
I have 1 joystick and 1 gamepad (well, actually two and two), and every time i change that kind of peripherals on my Raspberry Pi (from joystick to gamepad and vice versa) I have to re-map the controllers for Attractmode (and also attach a keyboard to hit TAB).
In short, Attractmode actually (at least, my version) is not plug-and-play and does not "remember" the joysticks/joypads that I have configured in the past to navigate inside the frontend.
Pretty much frustrating, isn't it?


I have decided to solve this tedious problem and I share with you how I did it.
the script is not beautiful, i know (try chat GPT if you prefer :P): I did it very quickly but it works for now... (maybe improve it!).
Consider it an alpha version at the moment.

The joystick/joypad that will control Attractmode will always be the one inserted in the upper left USB port of the Raspberry Pi and no others. No matter what model or brand it is, the number of buttons ecc. We need to find a rule that defines the main controller that will navigate into attractmode menus, games and options. This rule is that it will be always plugged to the upper left USB port (but obviously you can change if you want).

1. Turn off the raspberry (mine is 4 but should work for all versions)
2. Remove all USB devices
3. Plug in one kind of joystick/joypad into the upper left USB port
4. Start Attractmode
5. Configure your device in Attractmode (select, start, previous page, next letter etc.)
6. Discover the name of the joystick/joypad with the ssh command:

Code: [Select]
udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/input/js0
the name after the string:

Code: [Select]
is what is we are looking for.

in my case is 0079_Generic_USB_Joystick

7. Create the file /home/pi/.attract/[nameofthejoystick].txt (in my case /home/pi/.attract/0079_Generic_USB_Joystick.txt)
8. Restart your raspberry
8. Copy the content of /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg between  'input_map' and 'general' (be careful that the configurations called 'general' in the attract.cfg file are actually under the rules called 'input_map')

in my case:

Code: [Select]
        configure            Tab
add_favourite        F
left                 Joy0 Left
left                 Left
right                Joy0 Right
right                Right
prev_letter          Joy0 Button3
next_letter          Joy0 Button7
next_page            Joy0 Button6
prev_page            Joy0 Button2
up                   Up
up                   Joy0 Up
up                   Joy0 PovYneg
down                 Down
down                 Joy0 Down
down                 Joy0 PovYpos
select               Return
select               Joy0 Button4
back                 Escape
back                 Joy0 Button5
default             back exit
default             up prev_game
default             down next_game
default             left prev_filter
default             right next_filter

Be CAREFUL: at the end of the file, there MUST be two line breaks and NONE at the beginning!
Here is a working example of a right formatted file if you want to check:
Save it to your Desktop and open it with e.g. notepad++ to check the formatting

9. Write this content in the file /home/pi/.attract/[nameofthejoystick].txt
10. Save the file /home/pi/.attract/[nameofthejoystick].txt

11. Do all the 1-10 steps for all your different type of USB CONTROLLERS (virtually infinity).

OK: last few things

2. BACKUP YOUR attract.cfg (just in case).
3. Create a file called 99-joypad.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/

4. Write inside this file the string:

Code: [Select]
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="js[0-9]*", ENV{ID_PATH}=="platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.3:1.0", RUN+="/home/pi/.attract/"
and save it.
This will execute the script /home/pi/.attract/ at boot and every time a USB joypad/joystick (and ONLY joypads/joysticks: no HDD, NO USB PEN etc.) is plugged into the upper left USB port.

5. Make this file executable
6. Create the file /home/pi/.attract/
7  Write inside this file this script

Code: [Select]
# Get the joypad path e.g. js0, js1, js2, js3
input_device=$(basename $(udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/input/by-path/platform-fd500000.pcie-pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:1.3:1.0-joystick | grep "N: input/" | awk '{print $2}'))
joypadSlot=$(echo $input_device | sed 's/event[0-9]*$//')
# Set joystick name into a variable
joypadName=$(udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/input/$joypadSlot | grep ID_SERIAL= | awk -F= '{print $2}')
sudo chown pi:pi '/home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg'
sudo chmod 775 '/home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg'
# Controller_Controller_Controller        8bitdo joypad name
# 0079_Generic_USB_Joystick             generic usb joystick name
if test -f "$replace_file"; then
  if test -f /home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile; then
    sudo rm /home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile;
  touch /home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile
  sudo chown pi:pi '/home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile'
  sudo chmod 775 '/home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile'
  sed -i 's/input_map.*\n\n//g' /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg
  sed -e '
  r '"$replace_file"'
  ' /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg > /home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile
  mv /home/pi/.attract/tmpjoyfile /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg
# restart retropie if is not on boot mode ( so Xorg is a running service ) && no emulator is running
if pgrep -f "xorg/Xorg" &> /dev/null && ! pgrep -f "RetroPie/roms" &> /dev/null
  #comment this if you dont want restart after a joypad is plugged in
  sudo shutdown -r now

5. Make this file executable
6. Restart.


At boot and every time a gamepad/joystick is inserted into the upper left USB port of the Raspberry Pi, this script is executed and auto-changes attractmode configs for the pad plugged in and changes ONLY joypad/joystick input settings.

So you can change ALL other parameters in attract.cfg (either manually either via the TAB graphic menu settings of attractmode) without thinking about all of the things we are doing here!

If you are in attractmode and you change the joypad in the upper left usb port the raspberry reboots automatically with new input settings (but you can comment the command

Code: [Select]
sudo shutdown -r now
in and do everytime a manual restart if you prefer)
Note: IF any emulator is running when you change the joystick/joypad, input configs will be still modified by the script but raspberry will not auto restart (so you can complete your Bubble Boble's round 99 safely).

In this case and only in this case you should reboot manually after you exit the game because settings are changed but attractmode has not restarted so didnt reload settings.

Feel free to improve and...
if you have better solutions you are welcome to share!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 07:45:34 AM by superdan »
If you want, contact me with the form @ cdlab