Here is a script that will help many people to easily and quickly create the list of favorites with file backup, this script was developed by a member of the forum "StackOverflow BR" All credits of the script to the friend "It Wasn't Me", basically you should copy the code below and save it as .bat or .cmd, change to the path of your "Romlists", where the .tag files are stored and execute the script.
Original Version Full Speed Link: off
set /a "_tag=0"
set /a "_num=0"
rem *Place " " Place the path of your romlist folder.
cd /d "D:\AM-2.6.1\Romlists"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo= AM Favorites Romlist Generator Script for Windows
echo= Created by - It Wasn't Me - StackOverflow BR
if not exist .\favorites.txt (
set /p "'= - Cretating .\Favorites.txt File.."<nul
) else (
set /p "'= - Backing up your old Favorites.txt: "<nul
move /y .\Favorites.txt .\Favorites.txt.backup 2>nul >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 echo\Done^!!
echo/- Gathering list of your Favorites: Tags-Files
(echo #Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons;Series;Language;Region;Rating) > Favorites.txt
for %%G in (*.tag)do (
set /a "_tag+=1"
for /f useback^delims^= %%i in (`more "%%~G"`)do (
set/p "'=- ROM Found in File %%~nxG: %%~i"<nul
find "%%~i;" <"%%~nG.txt" >>".\Favorites.txt"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 set /a "_num=!_num!+1"
set /a "_num=!_num! + 1000"
set /a "_tag=!_tag! + 1000"
call echo/- Romlist Files [tag=txt]: !_tag:~-3!
echo/- Favorites added to Disc: !_num:~-3!
echo/- ROMlist .\Favorites.txt: New
echo/- is Done!.. & timeout 5|findstr /ec:\.\Favorites\.txt "%~f0"
goto :EOF