Running the latest Attract Mode 2.7.0 with MAME .269 and an up-to-date, merged ROMset. Everything works great except...
When I try to run Pacman (Midway), the game that launches is Pacmania.
- Running "mame pacman" from the command line launches the game as expected.
- Looking at the Attract Mode output/logs, it appears that Attract Mode is actually passing "pacmania" on the command line, i.e. it's not MAME missing a ROM and trying to do fuzzy matching.
- Looking at MAME.txt, all of the correct information for Pac-Man (Midway) appears to be there. All of the info displayed on screen with the game selected appears correct.
- I've tried rebuilding the games list repeatedly, the issue always remains.
- If I actually try to run Pacmania, it works as expected.
- I have not seen any other games so far that exhibit this same type of mixup.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm stumped as to how it could be just this one game with this issue.