Author Topic: Rotate screen with OSX problem  (Read 5417 times)


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Rotate screen with OSX problem
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:53:52 PM »

First post here, please forgive me if this has been answered before. (I did search but came up empty)

I have AM working well with SDLMAME running under El Capitan, feeding a vertically orientated screen.

To suit the "physically" rotated screen, I am rotating AM from within itself and each game is rotated from within SDLMAME.

As I said this works fine, however if I drop back to work on OSX or other apps, they naturally present sideways to me. :(

My thought was to simply rotate the screen output in OSX so that everything can run as normal without the need for "in-app-rotation".  This works for all other apps, but sadly AM has a spack-attack with this and presents a broken zig-saggy type image on screen.

Is there a setting that I haven't found within AM, that would allow it to get on with a screen that has already been rotated from within OSX itself?




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Re: Rotate screen with OSX problem
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 11:05:57 PM »
Are you:
1. just physically rotating the screen 90* (or 270*) without changing screen preferences - so the OS X is "sideways"
2. physically rotating the screen and changing the screen prefs to rotated - for example on X axis you'll have 1200 pixels and on Y axis - 1920 pixels

From you description it looks like you're using first option.

I'm using the second option and everything is working - AM is detecting that screen is vertical (well... it just adapts to 1200x1920 resolution) and SDLMame is showing the games correctly with auto rotate option set in mame.ini
But you have to have AM theme that is suited for vertical screen.

AFAIK all "vertical" themes are not trully vertical (at least 2 of them that I've tried) but "horizontal" with everything on screen rotated 90* - so it works just by rotating screen without changing any settings.

But I can be wrong since I'm using my own theme that is "aspect aware" (work in progress - not released). But if it's the case - you can fix it by tweaking your theme - searach the forum or wiki for "RotateScreen.Right" or "RotateScreen.Left" option.


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Re: Rotate screen with OSX problem
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 11:15:54 PM »
Physically rotating the screen 90(270)
Setting the rotation in OSX so that the OS now appears correctly on the physically rotated screen. (so no rubber necking required)

The mac runs all apps perfectly normal at this point... except for AM

I will search for those options you mentioned thanks.


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Re: Rotate screen with OSX problem
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2016, 02:21:59 AM »
here is what you can try:

switch the theme to verticools (built-in in AM)

open in TextEdit verticools layout.nut file (it's located in .app package in contents > config > layouts >verticools

if you don't know how to do this - just paste this code in terminal
Code: [Select]
open -a textedit /Applications/mame/
find this two lines:
Code: [Select]

and delete it

save the file and run AM


It will be less than perfect (especially the squeezed background) but it will work for in your config (rotated screen physically and in settings).