Ran into a bit of a issue today. I have AM working great on my Pi3, I am only using it for Mame no other emulators.
It works perfectly fine with a small set of roms, 65 is what I sarted with so it was easier to setup and scraping.
Today I tried to upload my full rebuilt rom set which comes out to 645 files, when I rebooted it gives a blank screen after loading AM.
Pressing TAB or ESC or any other key does not show anything, but esc is working to exit AM. I can press ESC and togle down then type sudo reboot and will reboot.
So it seems to be a issue with the display when I have full rom set loaded, anyone have any idea where I can start looking to find the issue? I am sure I could go through and delete a 3-400 roms off the rebuilt set but I would rather not have to take the time to manually go throught them.