Hello everybody.
I am trying to (re)evaluate various front-ends to see what fits my needs and I have some questions about attract mode that seems to erm... attract much interest esp. now with version 2.0.
Please help me fill the gaps...
- Is AM fully portable? (seems it is)
- Does it support relative paths in configuration files?
- Does it support zipped mame extras? (for example snap.zip with all PNG inside instead of a snap folder)
- Does it support MAME software lists? I've seen some "emulators" preset to some MESS setup (and again set for specific mess machines). But is there a way to configure a single entry unifying MAME and MESS functionality?
- Scrapper will mess with my existing extras or is there a way to add what is missing to it's own AM path and use it in addition to existing extras? (reason for that is to keep extras "clean" for other uses or torrent seeding).
Also one think I have noticed that it certainly misses, is an easy way to setup paths. There is no system selector, we need to type. At least we can edit the cfg files directly.
Actually many settings that should probably be scroll-lists are type-in I think (so the user needs to know what you expect in there).
This wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have a configuration mode at all (and users where expected to edit the config files), but since you do, I expected it would be more user friendly.
That said, I like seeing progress and some fresh air in front-end... erm... front.
Keep up the good work.