Author Topic: Resetting/removing animation after it completes?  (Read 2701 times)


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Resetting/removing animation after it completes?
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:21:19 AM »
I'm having trouble with performing an animation in a transition callback. I want the animation to play once and then stop, or even be removed entirely. I'm attempting to show specific art for a specific game title, but ONLY for one specific game title. I don't want anything to to happen unless that game title is selected, no loading, no values changing, etc.

The problem is, the values of the animation seem to "stick". For instance if my animation is property is "x", the value of "end" will not revert back without performing another animation (its a workaround but less than ideal). What this means is that when going back to the game title, the "end" state is shown briefly before the animation kicks back in. Setting the variable of "x" after the animation occurs does not seem to change this.