HA! that is a neat little trick to list it right inside windows like that! I have never known that function was built in. Thank you for that trick.
That is from years of DOS that trick is

I attached the game list for you. I'm real hesitant to mess too much with batch deleting any of my roms, anything I delete I prefer to do by hand, even though it takes a long time to go through,I just don't trust deletions to batch tools. So I doubt I will play much with that. *shrug*
Well honestly this tool works a little differently so you actually know what it finds before you delete them. It saved me hours of work! But I understand how you feel. I went through by hand and cleaned my mame roms. (Makes it a pain to play mame on-line though.) And I've trashed many of set ups in my life with the delete key! lol
*Edit* I have no plans of changing the rom names I have since I already have my box art,snaps and instruction manuals all named the same, and thats just too much extra work to also rename whatever my roms get changed(especially since the extra files i'm sure would have to be done by hand) just to make categories filterable..Pus my other systems like SNES,Genesis and so on use the same naming convention my NES are in...
I understand how you feel..I have not renamed any of my snaps yet..so none of them work

However...with your list I might be able to batch rename them now I think about it. So you are helping more than you know!

I tried a fuzzy rename tool..err..bad idea lol
*Edit 2* I was just thinking that with how many times games were ported for many different systems and 3 Ninjas Kick Back (U) [!].bin for the sega is the same essentially as 3 Ninjas Kick Back (U).sfc for the SNES and maybe the console genres should be a single list, or at least lists grouping generations where ports happen across instead of lists per system where you will have many redundancies and extra work for basically the same info.
No I understand well what you are saying. Honestly I was trying to remember my Access and make a database to link all that together (just to practice..and share if anybody wanted it) but after working with it I realized why I stopped so long ago!

When I was planing my game system and learning about all this I thought why have the same game three times..waste of hard drive space (we had just came out with single 20gb drives) and now with doing video snaps..that's even more space..so you have the same video twice..or like street fighter twelve times

Maybe I am being too picky about space..you pick up a terabyte for what 50 bucks now? *shrugs* My thing is I would like to list all my games in one list and select by genre or by system..but that is just me