This wasn't originally my theme. This is based off of OlRoom theme found here: give them the credit for the original. Apologies to the original creators for the liberties I've taken with their work. OlRoom was done very well, but it doesn't work for my setup, so I had to create my own versions. Since my themes are 4:3 (though work in multiple sizes) and use slightly different code I decided to create my own thread.
- Themes were designed at 4:3, but scale to other sizes
- Does not use a spinning wheel (but does use wheel logos)
- Contains changed console images and controller images. I tried to adjust the scaling and perspective to be in tighter range.
- Image/Names are based on US console versions
These themes all assume the use of Hyperspin & Emumovies assets for videosnaps, flyers, etc. I'll note what is required in the description of each one.
If you need the PSD (Photoshop) file,
you can download it here. It's fairly large (200+mb), but well organized:
UPDATE ---------------------
You can download the individual themes elsewhere in this thread, but I've made a unified layout so you only need one theme folder to handle multiple emulators. It displays:
Atari 2600
Nintendo NES
Nintendo SNES
Nintendo 64
Sega Genesis
Sony Playstation
Generic PC
Generic TV
If you want any other system added to this theme please let me know.
Usage Instructions:
There are 2 methods:
a. Name your lists like the above and it will change styles automatically when switching between supported emulators.
I was unable to find a dynamic method within AttractMode to change the style based on the emulator (the variables were only for display, not for evaluation) so it changes based on list name.
b. If you don't want to use specific list names, duplicate the layout (name it whatever you want) and set the "Selected System" option to the specific style you want.