Hey Oomek, another coding question for you.
Is it possible to make the gamelist transparent? I noticed it's transparent briefly when it slides in or out, but then it becomes opaque when you scroll thru the list of games. I think it would look cool seeing the flyers change under the list of titles.
I tried playing with some stuff in layout.nut, but as usual I don't know what I'm doing so didn't figure it out.
You need to change the opacity value for the animations. Look for lines similar to this (there are multiple, one for each transition):
gameListBoxAnimA.from = 0
gameListBoxAnimA.to = 255
And change 255 to something lower like 200.
Or you can make it an option in layout config:
</ label="List Box Opacity", help="Set List Box Opacity. 255 is equal to no opacity", options="100,200,255", order=16 /> ListBoxOpacity="255";
local ListBoxAlpha = my_config["ListBoxOpacity"].tointeger();
then instead of 255 just set ListBoxAlpha:
gameListBoxAnimA.from = 0
gameListBoxAnimA.to = ListBoxAlpha