I only run 2 emulators, so worst case I just go right and left to find the games I want... Ill have to train my idiot friends to do that as well
After 2 months 4 front ends, and dozens of hours I have the right solution in place. Onyx frontend and emumovies service to match the pics.
thank you all for your help
Like I mentioned above you can merge your romlists.
1. Configure-->Emulators-->Generate Collection/Rom List-->Set mame and mame1 game emulators to “Yes” and then click “Generate Collection/Rom List” and enter the name “All MAME”
2. Configure-->Displays-->mame-->Colection/Rom List = All MAME
3. Configure-->Displays-->mame1-->Show in Cycle = no
4. Configure-->Displays-->mame1-->Show in Menu = no
This will combine your two mame romlists into one and remove the mame1 from being displayed. You can then create your favorites list from the newly combined list.