# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.1
executable /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh
args 0 _SYS_ arcade "[romfilename]"
rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade
romext .zip
system Arcade
info_source listxml
import_extras /home/pi/.attract/mame-config
That is part of your mame (Advance).cfg above..
1. Change
executable /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh
executable /opt/retropie/emulators/advmame/bin/advmame
2. Generate/rebuild your list again
3. Back out to your list..to make sure it worked
4. Go back to the config and change:
executable /opt/retropie/emulators/advmame/bin/advmame
back to
executable /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh
Now everything should be fine.
It's misunderstood a lot and it's a problem that is asked A LOT. The other lists are made from the rom name itself. Most "non-arcade" roms are "long-named" already. Mame doesn't work that way however. It uses the list XML to generate those. The "problem" with retropie is that it uses a script to start the emulator ect. When you generate a list for mame it reads the mame.exe (or binary) on a pc, but retropie is not setup that way at default. Most of us use mame directly on a PC..so you never notice it. By changing this for retropie temperately you create the "environment" of a PC (which is what mame needs at first).
basically it's like this:
You generate your list..AM says "Hey I want a list"..the script says "Ok here is what is in there". (Actually the script does nothing..attract mode just looks in the folder and makes a text list of the names of all the files that have the matching extension you've set.) And so you get a rom name list.
If you point your executable to a mame.exe (binary) then AM says "I want a list." then mame says "ok let me check mine and match them for you. thus you get a long name list.
But you want to change your executable back to the retropie script so you get your options back and everything works as it should
Hope this helps everybody!