Yes, you can modify the scroll_obj.settings.speed_x and speed_y to speed up, slow down or stop scrolling. Tie this with a signal handler, and you are all set...
Here you go:
local scroller= ScrollingText.add( "This scroll can be stopped/started", 0, 0, fe.layout.width, 75, ScrollType.HORIZONTAL_BOUNCE );
fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");
function on_signal(str) {
if ( str == "custom1" ) {
//toggle horizontal scroll (use speed_y for vertical)
if ( scroller.settings.speed_x == 1 ) {
//stop scrolling
scroller.settings.speed_x = 0;
//reset text position (might want to change this depending on scroll type)
scroller.text.x = 0;
//reset to far right of scroll object
//scroller.text.x = scroller.surface.width
} else {
//start scrolling
scroller.settings.speed_x = 1;
return true;
return false;