Ok, I tried it just now. I pasted your sample code at the end of the layout I'm working on. It shows when the layout starts but as soon as I exit the menu there's no way to return. I want it to listen to custom2 and be hidden by default until I press the button and not close until I press custom2 again or press a button on the display tied to custom2 which subsequently closes the menu.
//Control Menu
//be sure to load the module!
local flw = fe.layout.width;
local flh = fe.layout.height;
//side menu
local menu = fe.add_surface(flw * 0.2, flh);
local menu_bg = menu.add_text("", 0, 0, flw * 0.2, flh);
menu_bg.set_bg_rgb(130, 130, 130);
//menu_bg.alpha = 150;
//create manager class (options are chainable if you prefer)
local manager = FeControls({
selected = "lblDisplays"
function hide_menu() {
menu.visible = false;
manager.enabled = false;
title.set_pos(0, 0, flw, flh * 0.1);
art.set_pos(0, flh *0.1, flw, flh);
function show_menu() {
menu.visible = true;
manager.enabled = true;
title.set_pos(flw * 0.2, 0, flw, flh * 0.1);
art.set_pos(flw * 0.2, flh *0.1, flw, flh);
manager.add(FeLabel("lblDisplays", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.05, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "btnLaunch", down = "lblFilters", right = hide_menu,
select = function() {
state_default = {
msg = "Displays",
charsize = 18
manager.add(FeLabel("lblFilters", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.12, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "lblDisplays", down = "lblPrev", right = hide_menu,
select = function() {
state_default = {
msg = "Filters",
charsize = 18
manager.add(FeLabel("lblPrev", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.19, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "lblFilters", down = "lblNext", right = hide_menu,
select = function() {
state_default = {
msg = "Previous",
charsize = 18
manager.add(FeLabel("lblNext", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.26, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "lblPrev", down = "btnRandom", right = hide_menu,
select = function() {
state_default = {
msg = "Next",
charsize = 18
// state_selected = {
// msg = "S"
// }
manager.add(FeButton("btnRandom", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.45, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "lblNext", down = "btnLaunch", right = hide_menu,
select = function() {
state_default = {
msg = "Random Game",
charsize = 18,
file_name = "button.png",
rgb = [ 0, 0, 0],
state_selected = {
file_name = "button_selected.png",
rgb = [ 100, 0, 100],
manager.add(FeButton("btnLaunch", flw * 0.025, flh * 0.55, 200, 50, {
surface = menu,
up = "btnRandom", down = "lblDisplays", left = "btnRandom", right = hide_menu,
state_default = {
msg = "Launch",
charsize = 18,
file_name = "button.png",
rgb = [ 0, 0, 0 ],
state_selected = {
file_name = "button_selected.png",
rgb = [ 0, 200, 0],
//Our own signal handler - control is handed over to the controls manager
//when 'left' is pressed. Control is passed back to our signal handler when 'right'
// is pressed on any of the label/buttons above
fe.add_signal_handler(this, "on_signal");
function on_signal(str) {
if ( str == "Custom3" ) {
// For debugging
return true;
} else if ( str == "Custom2" ) {
//return control to the controls manager
return true;
} else if ( str == "right" ) {
//do nothing for right to prevent confusing UI
//hmm... we could do a show_right_menu() here with game info
return true;
return false;
//initialize the controls manager
//we init if after our own signal handler here, just to make our signal handler get priority