I am trying to create a vertical layout system and have been having a really hard time trying to get it where I like it. I just want a clean vertical layout with a game wheel with game title artwork, and a video snap playing in the background.
So far I have figured out how to edit the .nut and remove the "free play" text items, as well as the text items at the bottom. If someone could be kind enough to point me in the right direction with a couple of items I would appreciate the help.
1. How can I fix the game wheel where ALL games are shown with their title art in the wheel? Currently it only shows the current selected one and when you scroll down the next game title artwork is show.
2. I currently have 5 games in my list and the wheel shows the first 5 then starts to duplicate them, is there any way to stop the duplicates or do I have to add more games?
3. is there anyway possible to remove the text at the top of the game wheel that says "5 arcade" ( showing I have 5 games in my arcade list) Also the <> markers showing to move to the next emulator in attract mode.
Thanks in advance. I just really want a single arcade window, with game wheel (game title artwork) with the video snaps playing in the background. Just simple and clean:)
1. Verticools layout uses a "list" to display games and you want a "wheel". A wheel is one of the more complex parts of a layout. I recommend using the Conveyor_Helper Module
http://forum.attractmode.org/index.php?topic=1945.0 or finding another layout that uses a wheel you like and use its code for your modified Verticools layout.
2. The "list" or "wheel" part of the layout determines how many games slots should be displayed on the screen. Once you have all of them filled you will no longer see duplicates. If you don't fill all the game slots and don't want to see duplicates you have to change the "list" or "wheel" part of the layout to reduce the number of game slots shown.
3. Remove or remark out line #121 of the original code "local listtitle=fe.add_text("[ListSize] [DisplayName]",0,flh*0.11,flw,flh*0.05);" to remove "5 arcade" from the display. Remove the "<" and ">" from line #118 of the originial code "local fltsh=fe.add_text("< [FilterName] >",1,(flh*0.06)+1,flw,flh*0.05);" to remove the <> from the layout.