Author Topic: Help with the language.  (Read 4359 times)


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Help with the language.
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:19:36 PM »
Using the Spanish language in Attract-Mode, when the name does not have special characters, it looks good:

They see the title and the flyer perfectly.

But if it bears some special character, typical of the Spanish language, as in the following case, the title is perfectly read (including the special character), but it does not read the flyer, whose name on the hard disk also carries the special character.

Can someone tell me why this happens and how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 02:26:25 PM by zlagos »
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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 04:55:54 PM »
Check \Emulator\Attract Mode\romlists\ .... .txt file. Make sure name can correctly display in rom list. You may need to change the txt file to UTF-8 format 


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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 06:34:16 PM »
Check \Emulator\Attract Mode\romlists\ .... .txt file. Make sure name can correctly display in rom list. You may need to change the txt file to UTF-8 format

I have opened it with notepad++ and it says: encode in utf-8.

If I encode this file to ANSI, the problem is reversed: The flyer looks good, but the special characters of the title do not look good.
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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2018, 06:56:33 PM »
What OS are you using and have you properly set the language, keyboard, location, etc. settings?

If your OS is Linux you should see the console messages/errors from AM. If you're using Windows you can try...
1. Download the console version of AM from here
2. Extract the attract.exe file and rename it to attract-console.exe.
3. Place this file in your existing AM install folder and run it. You should see what's happening in the console window as you scroll through the games.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 08:24:30 PM by progets »


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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2018, 07:19:28 AM »
What OS are you using and have you properly set the language, keyboard, location, etc. settings?

If your OS is Linux you should see the console messages/errors from AM. If you're using Windows you can try...
1. Download the console version of AM from here
2. Extract the attract.exe file and rename it to attract-console.exe.
3. Place this file in your existing AM install folder and run it. You should see what's happening in the console window as you scroll through the games.

I use Windows 10 in Spanish (Spain). And my jukebox.cfg file is encoded in UTF-8:

Code: [Select]
@echo off
:: temporarily change console codepage to UTF-8
>NUL chcp 65001

:: create Jukebox.txt
for %%i in ("%output%\*.m3u") do @echo %%~ni;%%~ni;Jukebox;;;;;;;;;;;;;; >> "%musiclist%\Jukebox.txt"

And when I open it in the notepad, - an example line - it reads:

Code: [Select]
Amaral - Pájaros En La Cabeza - 2005;Amaral - Pájaros En La Cabeza - 2005;Jukebox;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

But in the Attract-Mode console it appears with the following characters:

Code: [Select]
Loading TXT: E:\arcade\sistemas\pinballs\jukebox\roms/Amaral - Pßjaros En La Cabeza - 2005.m3u

That does not look like ANSI code, because when i convert Jukebox.cfg from UTF-8 to ANSI, it says:

Code: [Select]
Amaral - Pájaros En La Cabeza - 2005;Amaral - Pájaros En La Cabeza - 2005;Jukebox;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

This is a mess, I do not know what's happening here...
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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2018, 09:16:44 PM »
We can see that each area/file is using a different character. Pájaros vs. Pßjaros vs. Pájaros (which of these is correct?). We know this is the issue but not why.

Here are things you could test:
1. try the "basic" layout in AttractMode (yours looks custom and it could be something in your layout.nut)
2. do you have the same issues with game roms or just these songs? (i.e. show us entries of a romlist.txt that was created by AM and not your script and let us know if it works properly)
3. from the console/command line do a "dir" on your rom folder and your artwork folder. also do an "echo" on the romlist. do these show the same correct characters here on the windows command line (outside of AM)
4. i know when I setup a Linux based OS I tell it to use EN_US_UTF-8. If I use EN_UK_UTF-8 most of my keys work properly but some don't work such as "$" since they are specific to the region. I don't remember ever needing to specify anything that specific in windows but I'm from the US and speak english which are both defaults for windows. you might check this out (I don't know if it's accurate)

P.S. I see you have mentioned compiling AM in this thread Are you using an official AM download or one you or somebody else compiled? Have you tested your issue with older versions of AM?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 10:03:57 PM by progets »


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Re: Help with the language.
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2018, 02:55:56 AM »
We can see that each area/file is using a different character. Pájaros vs. Pßjaros vs. Pájaros (which of these is correct?). We know this is the issue but not why.

Pájaros [birds], is correct.

Here are things you could test:
1. try the "basic" layout in AttractMode (yours looks custom and it could be something in your layout.nut)

Basic layout, from AM, with any modification is the example of images above:

2. do you have the same issues with game roms or just these songs? (i.e. show us entries of a romlist.txt that was created by AM and not your script and let us know if it works properly)

The romlist is not generated by AM, I generate them myself with this code:
Code: [Select]
set musicfolder=F:\JukeBox
set output=E:\arcade\sistemas\pinballs\jukebox\roms
set screenshots=E:\arcade\sistemas\pinballs\jukebox\wheel
set musiclist=E:\arcade\attract\romlists

:: temporarily change console codepage to UTF-8 (with this it reads the title well and does not read the wheel)
REM >NUL chcp 65001

:: temporarily change console codepage to ANSI (with this it reads the wheel well and misreads the title)
REM >NUL chcp 1252

:: borrar listas antiguas
del "%output%\*.*" /Q
del "%screenshots%\*.*" /Q
del "%musiclist%\Jukebox.txt" /Q

>NUL chcp 65001
:: crear listas de musicas
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir "%musicfolder%" /ad /b ') do dir /s /b "%musicfolder%\%%a\*.ogg" "%musicfolder%\%%a\*.m4a" "%musicfolder%\%%a\*.wma" "%musicfolder%\%%a\*.mp3"  >> %output%\%%a.m3u

>NUL chcp 65001
:: copiar imagenes a la carpeta screenshots
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir "%musicfolder%" /ad /b ') do xcopy "%musicfolder%\%%a\*.jpg" "%screenshots%\%%a.jpg*" /Y

>NUL chcp 1252
:: crear Jukebox.txt
for %%i in ("%output%\*.m3u") do @echo %%~ni;%%~ni;Jukebox;;;;;;;;;;;;;; >> "%musiclist%\Jukebox.txt"

With this above code, it only reads badly the song data with

Code: [Select]
fe.game_info (Info.Title)

Everything else, read wheels, m3u, from the disk, does it right. If I change it, it fails more. And if AM generates it, even worse.

3. from the console/command line do a "dir" on your rom folder and your artwork folder. also do an "echo" on the romlist. do these show the same correct characters here on the windows command line (outside of AM)
4. i know when I setup a Linux based OS I tell it to use EN_US_UTF-8. If I use EN_UK_UTF-8 most of my keys work properly but some don't work such as "$" since they are specific to the region. I don't remember ever needing to specify anything that specific in windows but I'm from the US and speak english which are both defaults for windows. you might check this out (I don't know if it's accurate)

I already did both, and that's why I use "chcp"

P.S. I see you have mentioned compiling AM in this thread Are you using an official AM download or one you or somebody else compiled? Have you tested your issue with older versions of AM?

My attract.exe is modified, but my attract_console.exe is the last version official. I use both indistinctly, and the result is always the same.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 03:01:55 AM by zlagos »
Nacer a los 15 años Una novela de iOtero