Author Topic: Need multiple ESC presses to exit AttractMode?  (Read 3441 times)


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Need multiple ESC presses to exit AttractMode?
« on: November 05, 2018, 03:20:02 PM »
I love AttractMode, and it runs really well on my system:  I use MAME64 as my emulator, along with a X-Arcade Tankstick.  Awesome.

One minor irritation:  When i want to exit any particular game (and go back to the main menu), i have to press the ESC key multiple times.  Like 4, 5, or even 6 times before it responds.

When I run MAME64 with the Tankstick (and don't use AttractMode), one press is all it takes.

It's not a big deal - a minor annoyance - but if there's an easy way to fix this I'd appreciate any kind of help.

Great program.  Love it.