Build attract from source! It's quick and easy... you'll always have the latest bugfixes and features, and it will work on your system.
If you're not a developer... don't worry too much, you can do this without understanding everything. Below info adapted from:'ll need 'git' and the '-dev' packages required by attract mode installed on your system... so open a terminal and run this:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install git libsfml-dev libopenal-dev libavformat-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libswscale-dev libavresample-dev libarchive-dev libjpeg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
Now... make a directory for development stuff and check out the source. For me, I like to have a ~/project directory where I keep everything I'm developing or building from source, so...
mkdir ~/project
cd ~/project
# now... check out the code
git clone now cd into that directory...
cd attract
# if you want to "update" your binary that was installed in /usr/bin, do the following... otherwise your binary will go in /usr/local/bin
nano Makefile
# look for the line that says: prefix=/usr/local ; change that to prefix=/usr ; then save with <CTRL><X>
# now run 'make' while in ~/project/attract
# if no error messages, proceed. If error messages, read them, analyze them, figure out what's wrong, fix, re-run make, repeat

sudo make install
# you're done! run attract from the commandline and everything should work great!
# at a later date... to update source and rebuild attract...
cd ~/project/attract
git pull
make clean
sudo make install
# if you hit a problem with git pull when the makefile is updated... a simple way to deal with it is to run 'git reset --hard' and then 'git pull' again. Then you may need to re-edit the makefile, or make a copy of it -- when I have custom makefiles, I name them Makefile.ross . You can run make against a different makefile with 'make -f makefilename', and then to install 'make -f makefilename install'
Hope this helps! I know the idea of using the commandline and straying away from packaged software into compiling source code is daunting to some. Also, I know that it's not often clear when it's 'safe' to use the 'bleeding edge' source. In the case of attract mode, it's quite stable and the master branch is almost always functional -- you won't ruin your system by building attract mode from source.