Author Topic: Mame setup for windows  (Read 58984 times)


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Mame setup for windows
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:32:32 PM »
MAME: Multipule Arcade Machine Emulator

This is what most people want. After all what is a arcade cabinet with out arcade games right?

MAME is one of the easier emulators to set up..and can be the hardest to "get right". MAME is very customizable and can be tweaked down to the last detail.

First off we are going to assume that you know what MAME is and have it installed at ‘C:\mame’. If you you have no clue what i am talking about go here: [ulr][/url]

(Note: This is written for basic mame and some knowledge of the "command line" is needed. Most front-ends use the command line version of MAME..thus they act like a gui (graphical user interface) If you want a gui version of mame see below.

When you first start mame you will get an error stating no games found. Go ahead and exit. Once you have found games, or roms, place them in your 'roms' directory/folder. If you don't have one you can make one. (Normally in your mame directory/folder to keep everything organized.) (Go here to get test roms:

If you don't like to use a command line you can use a GUI based mame to set up your mame and to even start games. but remember Front ends like Attract Mode use a command line to start games NOT a GUI (basically your front end like Attact Mode becomes your gui to launch games)
See below for versions of GUI based MAMEs note however using a GUI to set up MAME is the same as using notepad+a command the command line instructions need to be read still!

To begin in the command line do this:

You'll need to open a command line prompt:
Press Windows key+R key. A run dialog will pop up. Now type

Code: [Select]
Once there type:
Code: [Select]
cd C:\ then press enter.

Now, type:
Code: [Select]
cd C:\mame press enter.

Last type:
Code: [Select]
mame -cc press enter

This will create a mame.ini file in the folder that you are in. (You can always run the mame -cc command again and have a new mame.ini if you mess it up real badly.)

Now open that file with notepad: 

Your mame.ini will look something like this:

readconfig                1
writeconfig               0

rompath         <-here  (ex. C:\mame\roms, you may do multiple paths with ; at the end of the first line and the beginning of the second line)

   The rompath is the only thing we are worried about right now. You can erase the entire line up to but not including the word rompath. Then type your path to your roms:

Code: [Select]
Now save the changes now type in your terminal mame and start mame by typing mame.exe and press enter. You should see a blue box with a list of games you have. You can press enter to start a game or press esc to quit.

   Your mame now works! You can start MAME from a command line to directly run a game by typing (as an example):

Code: [Select]
mame carpolo
 in a command prompt will start carpolo without the gamelist (which is how front ends like attract mode work).

Rom problems:
   First never unzip a rom unless you know what you are doing! MAME can not load an unzipped rom. Roms can be gotten singly or in "update" packs. You need to have all the needed files in the zip and all the needed zip files. Example: you have but there are other files it needs (.zip) to start. Why not just put them all together? Well you can and mame will be happy and load fine. However, some of these files are in other namco games (e.x. mappy, rally X, ect.) so now you have them twice or more and it's a "waste of space". Load MAME from a terminal and MAME will spit out any errors of missing files and tell you the extra roms you need. (For more go here on that: pdf version here

chd files:
   Compressed hard drive (or compressed hunks [of] data..depending on who you are talking to.) are large (some are HUGE) data files. Mostly this is a hard drive image (ex. killer instinct) or a CD-ROM (ex. street fighter III) or a laser disc (ex cliffhanger). These need to be placed in a sub-folder in your roms folder with the name of the rom. (e.g. C:\mame\roms\kinst\kinst.chd)
Missing sounds:
   With some older games you need what are called sound samples. These are not  emulated sounds per say but raw sound files called by mame at the appropriate time. With out them you do not hear the sounds in the game. Play galaga without sound samples and when you die your ship explodes without a sound..Who wants that!? So after you find the sound samples (again leave them zipped!) you put them in your folder (e.g C:\mame\samples) and in your mame.ini change your sample path:

rompath                   C:\mame\roms
samplepath               <---here (ex. C:\mame\samples)
Now you will have all your sounds!

It’s a little screen! To go full screen look in your mame.ini for:

video                     d3d
numscreens                1
window                    0
maximize                  1
keepaspect                <---here
unevenstretch             <---here
centerh                   1
centerv                   1
waitvsync                 0
syncrefresh               0
scalemode                 none

Change keep aspect and uneven stretch to one (1)

I hope that will get you started with some basics of mame on windows. Happy gaming!

other related windows mame versions:

wolfmame (used for submitting high scores)
mameplus (mame that has graphical enhancements, Outdated but usable with an old romset)
hbmame (used to run home brew mame roms)

             GUI mames:

MAMEXT (Outdated but usable with an old romset)
mameuifx replaced with Arcade64

To set up mame with a GUI most GUIs once loaded you choose 'Options' then 'Directories' and you can set up your paths from there. Basically this allows you to set up your mame.ini file from a gui instead of doing it manually.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 10:10:20 AM by akafox »
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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 04:54:48 AM »
Is there a good reason why people want to use these other flavors of mame? I just don't understand it. With a little effort you can compile and patch original mame to remove nag screens, the white box, add high score, add auto-fire and much more . And, if you don't like compiling you can find compiled versions that have already been patched.  Excluding, groovymame which does have a specific purpose for crt monitors and that is not even really needed anymore. Just curious of other enthusiast opinions on this. 


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 07:53:18 AM »
Well mostly they are the same. However, they do add some features that the regular mame does not. Most of th gui based mames add a lot of information in the gui itself. You can display history, the command moves for fighting games, picture of the arcade cabinets and game snapshots for example. MAME plus is command line based, however is has a separate gui if you choose to use it. (It is a separate program.)  It does have one main feature, graphical enhancements. (It uses shaders much like kega fusion or snes9x does.)

 There is a version on mame called advance mame that is made for acrade monitors and graphics cards so the is will look like the arcade originally did, it is outdated however.

The gui can make it easier for new users to set things up. Most people are used to click and pointing. It keeps them from having to use the command line which might be intimidating.

I use mameuifx because it has ways to make test lists so I can make scripts to clean out my mame set easily and quickly.  I used to use mame plus in my windows cab just so I could use the graphical enhancements if I felt like it. it also displayed the list of moves for the fighting games from the menu after you paused it.  My want to use linux in my cab just made me move back to regular mame.

If you are going to build an arcade cabinet with a front end like attract mode you are absolutely right omegaman. There really is no reason to use them. They are just there so that people know they are there.
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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 01:05:51 PM »
I have used Mameplus! for several years.

There "were" several advantages using Mameplus! over standard MAME, but many of the advantages have diminished over years....

Advantages (still effective)
#1. Image enhancement filters like HQx, xBRZ filters
#2. Command.dat support (In-game display of fighting game moves)
#3. Removing nag screen

Advantages (now obsolete)
#1. It came with separate GUI called M+GUI, which was much faster than MAME with integrated GUI.
-> But not faster than attract-mode.  ;)

#2. It combined MAME/MESS with single executable (long before devs permitted this)
-> Now it is officially combined by standard MAME...

#3. Sometimes, controversal ROMs are dropped by mainstream MAME, due to various reasons. (For example, Cave SH3 driver). But derivative builds, including Mameplus! tends to ignore such decisions...
-> But the Cave SH3 driver is back to mainstream MAME again, so it doesn't matter again..

...lastly, I'd like to mention that many derivative MAME builds do not describe their difference to the mainstream MAMEs. (What is Ash-build, anyway?). It would be really helpful to have feature-comparison summary on derivative builds.


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2015, 12:16:11 PM »
Thank you for your info there checkist. Yes that is a good idea to make a comparison list. I might do that one day. The builds from command line to gui are obvious. Others not so. I have used and seen far s a I can see they are a lot alike..I would dare say almost the same.

I was using the ash-biuld ..or at least I ran very slow and poorly on my system..where as mame plus! the "standard" version ran fine.

I have looked into HBMame recently. The home brew scene has turned out some good things..and some hacks are fun to play even if they are not "official'.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 07:24:03 AM by akafox »
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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2015, 07:43:49 PM »
my opinion is to get a full updated set for "ash mame" and be done
find out what works and be content...   your box & gfxc card will be the remainder

i have spent many moons,,and to no a vale,,"Mame is great,,but is a tap out for till  2020 
were at a my opinion!
help a friend....


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 08:20:45 PM »
Just to add to this, GroovyMAME is an excellent fork of MAME that is designed primarily for use on arcade cabinets with CRT monitors. Combined with the custom "CRT_Emudriver" video driver releases for older ATI Radeon cards, you can get MAME running at native video modes and refresh rates that the actual arcade boards used.

This might seem a bit nitpicky, but if you're going to the effort of using an arcade cabinet with a CRT to get that "authentic" feel, why not go as far as you can. For example, it's nice to be able to play R-Type at 55hz and have the music play at the correct pitch :)

You can find out more info about GroovyMAME on the Arcade Control forums.  CRT_Emudriver can be found at this thread on Calamity's forums.


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2015, 07:55:24 AM »
Is there a good reason why people want to use these other flavors of mame? I just don't understand it.

I agree with you. I think though it just comes down to they want to take the time to build a mamecab...and because it is theirs they want to make it more personalized. That or need. Some people may only want fighting they have no trackball. Each mame build has it's pros and cons. Or you might just have and older PC given to you or laying around that will run and older version of mame better.

I have been using advance mame for some weeks now. It is made to be used on arcade and TV monitors (and lcds) but it runs an old mame set (thus it's hard to get working because it's hard to find old rom sets) and no cps3 support (though he's working on that one). On my gaming rig however I run patched stock mame...and not even the newest version.

Again it just comes down to need or want. But if it were not for "stock mame" the other builds would not exist... :P

Here are the still active mame builds I could find..(as of 7, Dec 2015 24, Feb, 2022..well some might be behind..I haven't updated my list) I am not responsible for the contents of the links or builds!


old but usable with the correct mame rom sets
hqmame       (0.139)
advance mame (0.106, note here that things were added so it is more current then stock mame 0.106. However is still uses mame version 0.106 roms!)
mameplus (0.168)
MAMEXT    (0.165)
messui    (MESS has now been merged into MAME so this is not needed..unless you need it...other console emulators are updated and do a better job. Usage is hit or miss if you use it!)
mewui    (0.170)
mameuifx    (0.175, Replaced by Arcade64 shown above)

Just to add to this, GroovyMAME is an excellent fork of MAME that is designed primarily for use on arcade cabinets with CRT monitors.

They have their "own version" of mame? I thought it was plain mame just crammed into an "linux arcade" distro....
« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 11:01:28 AM by akafox »
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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2015, 01:18:31 PM »
They have their "own version" of mame? I thought it was plain mame just crammed into an "linux arcade" distro....

You're thinking of GroovyArcade, which is a Linux distro with GroovyMAME and other programs for use on an arcade cabinet.

GroovyMAME itself is simply a custom build of MAME with additional code called "SwitchRes" which replaces the default code in MAME for handling video resolutions.  It is in active development (new builds and added features are generally released within hours of the MameDev team's releases on the last Wednesday of each month).

For the best results with GroovyMAME, you will want to be using "CRT_EmuDriver", which is a "hacked" ATI Radeon video driver that includes support for outputting  suitable video signal to a 15/24/31 Hz arcade monitor.  It is similar in principal to how the ArcadeVGA cards from Ultimarc work, but with support for a much wider range of video modes and refresh rates.  Just note that this video driver is currently limited to working with older Radeon cards (up to HD 4890), and only for Windows XP (32/64bit) or 7 (64bit).

Calamity is currently working on supporting newer versions of Windows (8 and 10) and newer video cards.  He has had some success, there are just a few more hurdles to deal with before releasing something for people to try in the coming months.


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 08:29:08 PM »
Well old and windows XP is what i have..and I picked up and old crt TV for $5 so when ever i can get a vga to y/w/r out (RCA) i'll be set. thanks! :)

going to check that out.
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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2020, 09:14:56 AM »
When I get to the command line "mame -cc" it says 'mame' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. Can I make the fine without using cmd?


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Re: Mame setup for windows
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2020, 05:12:31 AM »
Make sure you are in the same directory as your mame.exe file.