Author Topic: The Great Themes Collection v10.3.2 - Final Edition! (Updated 27 February 2021)  (Read 253816 times)


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2020, 01:04:19 AM »
it nice collection but you dont have Nintendo 64 OR Old Nes or GameCube or PS2 Nintendo Wii, I feel you include all the consoles theme
also I notice that your theme is so close to Cosmos themes that he created. another thing is when I switch to Hyper spin theme the video dont play. also I wonder if you can add a hyper pie theme this I can share with you hyper pie system intros. if you need them. but all in all its cool collection just that you should of include all the console themes

Systems will be added to the collection as time goes by. Themes that are not mine act as temporary fillers and should be replaced - unless I think they are decent and then they remain. The final aim is to have all systems included in the collection.

Theme called Lava v1.2 is for the NES.

As for the Hyperspin Theme Mode, see here:
« Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 07:17:21 AM by Yaron2019 »


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2020, 12:08:52 PM »
 :o who were the original people that made these theme in first place and where can I find them ? if your not gonna a plan on adding more.  :o I do need the rest of the collection  :'(


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2020, 01:52:00 PM »
:o who were the original people that made these theme in first place and where can I find them ? if your not gonna a plan on adding more.  :o I do need the rest of the collection  :'(

My friend, I made almost all of these themes...  :) and I am working now on v3.0 of this collection - a huge update with new features, animations and systems.
I also already replaced some of the themes that was not mine.

I hope I will be able to release v3.0 of the collection in this weekend or the next. 


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2020, 06:02:03 PM »
 wish i had moor time like you,,,,great job look forward to the update,, 

no rush...we have eternity .....then the game just starts again
help a friend....


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v2.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2020, 11:43:03 PM »
no rush...we have eternity .....then the game just starts again



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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!]
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2020, 07:19:07 AM »

The Great Theme Collection version 3.0 is here and youuu are going to love it!

( •_•)>⌐■-■

In the last 3 weeks I have worked tirelessly rewriting a large portion of the themes layout code so it includes a more sophisticated wheel, more animations and more features in general.

The wheel’s position can now be adjusted so themes can have more space for their art, it’s logos can be set to large or small with their art aspect ratio kept or not (which is especially good for the vertical wheel option). The current wheel logo can have a pulse animation (looping or just once) which is not only cool but visually important if you choose to hide the wheel pointer as it emphasizes the current selection. The wheel logos are now by default opaque – it’s such beautiful art so why hide it? (can be turned back to semitransparent of course – but you will never be my friend if you do so).
I’ve hacked a little (well very little) the pan-and-scan module to create hovering animations which are non-intrusive and provide a more lively theme to look at.
The themes are more intelligent now – if the wheel is not partially or completely hidden, the layout will relocate the position of the box and cart art. Default cart and box art is included in some the themes – mainly in those that use actual carts that are inserted into the console.

There are new original themes for the Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Nintendo SNES, Nintendo Super Famicom, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn Japan, Sega 32X, Sega CD, NEC PC Engine, NEC TurboGrafx-16, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Colecovision, Mattel Intellivision and Magnavox Odyssey 2!
Someone asked me so I’ll be clear: All original themes were created by a team that includes me me and me!

There are still few non-original themes waiting to replaced in the next version. Themes that were deemed not-good-enough where removed.

Some themes have been renamed so they are easier to find by new users, for example: ‘OlRoom Super Famicom’ is now ‘Nintendo Super Famicom – OlRoom’ and ‘Lava v1.3’ is now ‘Nintendo Entertainment System – Lava v1.3’.

A few systems have more then one theme:
- At-The-Arcade and Hyperspin Theme Mode are both for MAME
- Amiga Forever! and Amiga Memories
- ‘Sega CD’ and ‘Sega CD – Dark’
- ‘Super Nintendo Entertainment System’ and ‘Super Nintendo Entertainment System – Simple’
- ‘Nintendo Super Famicom’ and ‘Nintendo Super Famicom – Simple’
- ‘Atari 5200’ and ‘Atari 5200 -  Video System X’

All in all, the collection now includes 69 awesome, high quality themes.

Last but not least, I want to thank Lockheed Martin for sharing their F22 stealth fighter battle management system code so I can improve my layouts. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!  8)

Demo video:

Go to the original post for a download link:
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 10:43:33 AM by Yaron2019 »


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2020, 10:46:18 AM »
added pictures


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2020, 02:14:35 AM »
added pictures
:o this the best update ever, only thing we need now is Playtation 2 and Nintendo Wii and this theme collection be 100% complete.

I want to share with everyone becuase Yaron2019 made one the BEST The Great Themes Collection.So here are My video snap system collection for The Great Themes Collection v3.0

its comes with every video snap system you can think of please enjoy it everyone including cartart and more

here a demo video snap system and more  :)

download at google drive the file has 4gb


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2020, 04:39:15 AM »
added pictures
:o this the best update ever, only thing we need now is Playtation 2 and Nintendo Wii and this theme collection be 100% complete.

I want to share with everyone becuase Yaron2019 made one the BEST The Great Themes Collection.So here are My video snap system collection for The Great Themes Collection v3.0

its comes with every video snap system you can think of please enjoy it everyone including cartart and more

here a demo video snap system and more  :)

download at google drive the file has 4gb

You are most welcome! This is very generous of you to share the videos  8)
You will have the PS2 and Wii themes in the next release!


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2020, 07:02:01 AM »
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?
People want life easy..then complain about it


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2020, 04:16:32 AM »
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?

Update: All of these bugs have been solved by akafox recompiling attractmode for the linux version. As I have suspected, there might be differences between the windows vanilla attractmode version and a user-compiled one. 

« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 11:40:01 PM by Yaron2019 »


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2020, 06:29:31 AM »
Need to ask you penguin lovers for a paw...

I am running Lubuntu 19.10 (upgrading to 20.04) and I am having some strange problems.

I can hear the videos..and they do show in other layouts...but I can not see then in your layout...

Coleco Vision
The picture of the console is pan scanning not the background

Sega mastersystem
Graphic is stuck in the middle of the video snap screen thus covering the screen

something is covering the entire layout almost (background image?)

Sega CD
Something is covering the layout completely. three times in fact...each smaller

Super Nintendo
same as sega CD

NEC PC Engine CD
TV frame pan scans not the background

I have solved this by turning off the animation action...but I can not (nor the author) figure out what is wrong. It is strange the it is happening on some systems and not others  :o  anyone using theis set and having the same issues?

Update: All of these bugs have been solved by akafox recompiling attractmode for the linux version. As I have suspected, there might be differences between the windows vanilla attractmode version and a user-compiled one. 

I will now continue to add systems to the collection.
  :o I dont know where to make a report but I used your PC engine CD And Bonk is been cut up on the corner while he moving
here a picture to show you :o


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2020, 09:08:40 AM »
  :o I dont know where to make a report but I used your PC engine CD And Bonk is been cut up on the corner while he moving
here a picture to show you :o

Thanks for reporting!
You are right, I see now that the texture was mistakenly cut when I exported it. I fixed it and it will be available in the next update.

The Playstation 2 theme is ready ;)  working on the Wii as we speak...
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 09:10:24 AM by Yaron2019 »


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2020, 07:00:05 PM »
Thanks.. This is a keeper bro.. As always
help a friend....


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Re: The Great Themes Collection v3.0 [Released!!!]
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2020, 01:27:42 PM »
Thank you so much for your time and hard work on making these Yaron2019! With that said I have a list of MORE work for you to do!  :P  ;)

Atari Jaguar
PlayStation 2
Virtual Boy
NEC Turbografx-16 CD

Acorn Atom
Acorn Archimdies
Acorn Electorn
BBC Micro
Tandy CoCo
Dragon 32/64
Fujtsu FM-7
Generic PC  <- for all the free linux games out there!
SAM Coupé
Sharp X1
Sharp X68000

FinalBurn Neo
American Laser Games

Game & Watch
Nintendo DS

That should keep you busy till this covid thing is over!  ;)

I do have a question...I noticed with your sega CD dark theme it played a sound clip. Is there a way to have background music but have it change theme to theme. Just a question..maybe for later. It will not hurt the theme if it doesn't!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 01:33:13 PM by akafox »
People want life easy..then complain about it