Hello thank you for your answer regarding the NeoCD Libretro core

Regarding MAME I find this very complicated emulator... that's why I prefer RetroArch... moreover I emulate the Amiga 1200 & the Amiga CD32 & MAME does not really allow it. With RetroArch Amiga machines work very well !
By cons I found an alternative solution to launch NeoGeo cartridge & NeoGeo CD games with the
FBNeo Libretro core of RetroAch here is the procedure:
For NeoGeo cartridge games:executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo
romext .bat
Then you have to create a
.bat file for each game (example for the game Magician Lord) & place it in the games folder where the game
.zip file is located:
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll "c:\attract\games\neogeo\maglord.zip"
For NeoGeo CD games:executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath c:\attract\games\neogeo cd
romext .bat
Then you have to create a
.bat file for each game (example for the Pulstart game) & place it in the games folder where the game's
.cue &
.bin files are located:
cd c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\
retroarch.exe -L c:\attract\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll --subsystem neocd "c:\attract\games\neogeo cd\pulstar.cue"
This is the only way I found... on the other hand it is restrictive because we have to create a different .bat file for each game !!! I hope this will be of service to others...
Greetings !