Well, well ... I solved this...., in this cathartic (solitaire) post.
If anyone needs it in the future.
this very bruteforce code, first check if there are game.txt files in scraper / emulator / scraper, if yes, the alpha of the text background animation is 190, i'm not checking if the txt is empty.
( need : fe.load_module("file"); )
function hidenoextra( ttype, var, ttime )
function overview_exist(fullpathfilename)
try {file(fullpathfilename, "r" );return true;}catch(e){return false;}
local OVEX = overview_exist("../Attract/scraper/" + fe.game_info( Info.Emulator ) + "/overview/" + fe.game_info(Info.Name) + ".txt");
if ( ttype == Transition.StartLayout || ttype == Transition.FromOldSelection )
if (OVEX == false) sysview.bg_alpha = 0;
else sysview.bg_alpha = 190;
fe.add_transition_callback( "hidenoextra" );