I've attached a layout that's pretty close to what you want.
To show videos as well as snaps... that's something you set in the emulator setup in AM.
Jumping from page to page is also an AM controls setting.
For the favorites, there's no (simple) way that I know of to add an image to the listbox, so I added a bullet character, and a star image will overlay on the right of the layout on every favorite
I put a setting in the layout options to control the rotation, by default it's rotated in the direction you have shown in your image. This layout will work on both horizontal and vertical monitors though, but on horizontal, it'll just show black on the right and left hand side.
Going from game to game has a soft click sound rather than a beep. You can replace the mp3 in the layout with whatever sound you want though.
Anyway... usually I might just give some pointers on making a layout yourself, but I was curious as to how fast I could make this layout using my new positioning module.
http://forum.attractmode.org/index.php?topic=3880.0Update: I made a few tweaks. I've cleaned up the provided graphic and added scrolling history content to the right hand side where the credits image was.
Update 2: I added the Air Attack look as well as options to use CRT Glow, CRT Shaders (image rounding) and Scanlines.
Thanks to Yaron for the shader code. Here's a link to the Github Repository