Zenith, it is far from snarky or obnoxious to wonder what the person is going on about. A cryptic first message is always a bad start on joining a forum. So is calling someone obnoxious when if you are nice and polite especially on your first post, then you are greeted with a welcome to the forum.
However, I think you have kind of blown that one. Also I have already said for him to post pictures or something, there was no need to repeat the same thing that I have already said.
Oh and just to add, his first post is that I have taken someone else's work which was pretty crap, and I have made it better in my point of view. So his first message was not a very good one either, especially when it is just cryptic.
A good start on joining a forum is as follows
Hi Guys,
New to the forum, but I love the program so far. I have a few issues, so I was wondering if someone could help please.
A bad start on joining a forum is as follows
Downloaded this, it's shit, I cannot get this working, right ok (biting lip), what are you trying to do? I am trying to get these roms up and running.
Well ok, post this, that and the other, oh we see what you have done wrong, it is a spelling error and nothing to do with the program.
Dam stupid program anyway, it should have a spell checker built in, or it should be intelligent enough to know what I meant.
Yep sighs.
It is called forum etiquette, when you start with a bad message, then it does not make people think, well that was a nice post, a bad first message straight away puts people's back's up.
Trust me, I can be a lot more snarky and obnoxious, however my replies are very polite, which is why people always get a regards Mark, if you don't get a regards Mark then that is when you have annoyed the hell out of me. So trust me, as I am trying to give up smoking, I am very calm and friendly despite having the DT's I have not even had a beer for two days either, so trust me I am still very polite for going through detox.