Have you seen the video
HERE ? This is a working prototype. I just have to change it for all 3 aspects - 4:3 / 16:10 / 16:9
I'm not planning to add logo or poster. I was planning this as snap-only theme
"For the people that don't have all that artwork and don't want to hunt it down (or don't care)." as I've said in the first post.
But I can be convinced otherwise - if people really
need/want that additional artwork.
I'm not sure about the bottom part. I was designing this when display menu wasn't available yet. That's why there is left/right icon to change display - nowadays it should be a button for display menu I suppose. I'm not sure - I'm using only mame.
And I'm not sure if stick and arcade buttons are ok - people are using different types of controllers/gamepads - and I can't design icons for all of them. Maybe I should just make it a text description or make more abstract icons up/down push button etc.