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Messages - vernontwinkie

Pages: [1]
General / RetroPie free play switch
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:08:51 AM »
Is there a way to have a separate game list for mame2003 where one is free play and the other is normal? I can kind of do it in emulationstation using the arcade and mame-libretro folders, and setting an extra button for coins in one of the inputs, but how can I add a duplicate mame2003 emulator so it would have a separate config to attract mode?

General / Re: [RetroPie] Single rom list for all emulators
« on: September 07, 2016, 09:37:18 PM »
As a final update, it worked with a minor change. I had to go to /home/pi/.attract/romlists/ to do the import. It also doesn't seem to need to have the .txt at the end as the file created was merged.txt.txt - weird but works for me. Thanks for the help!

General / Re: [RetroPie] Single rom list for all emulators
« on: September 07, 2016, 12:08:52 PM »
Configure-->Displays-->MAME 2003-->Collection/Rom List-->merged
Configure-->Displays-->python3-->Show in Cycle-->No
Configure-->Displays-->python3-->Show in Displays-->No

This should make all you games appear in the MAME 2003 wheel and hide your python3 wheel.

I can't wait to try this out. Thank you so much for the help! This is quite a large project I'm working on - 7 machines (6 2-player & 1 4-player). I'm also documenting everything so I can have a guide for any interested, once done.

General / Re: [RetroPie] Single rom list for all emulators
« on: September 07, 2016, 05:35:25 AM »
Thanks! I'll try this when I get home. How would I use the merged list? Do I just create an emulator called "merged" and input the path for the roms directory?

General / Re: Is there any way to merge two arcade lists? Please help
« on: September 06, 2016, 01:08:34 PM »
I'm not sure how things are set up in Floob's image, but you can definitely generate single romlists containing multiple emulators in attract-mode.

All versions of AM can do this from the command line... see the readme file for more info:

Code: [Select]
In addition to the romlist generation function available in config mode, Attract-Mode can generate a single romlist containing roms for multiple emulators from the command line using the following command:

    attract --build-romlist <emulator names...>

With the most recent development version, you can also now generate single romlists containing multiple emulators from the configuration menu:  Config->Emulators->Generate Romlist.  This will bring up a menu allowing you to set which emulators to include....

Previously the UI only supported generating romlists for a single emulator.
I hope this helps.

so this part:

attract --build-romlist <emulator names...>

do the emulators need to be separated by semicolons?  like this:

attract --build-romlist mame2003;nestopia

General / Re: Is there any way to merge two arcade lists? Please help
« on: September 06, 2016, 12:14:15 PM »
No problem  :D

General / [Solved] [RetroPie] Single rom list for all emulators
« on: September 06, 2016, 10:06:34 AM »
I really only need it for 2 emulators - MAME2003 (in the arcade folder) and a game made in Python3. Is there a way to have it so I won't have a separate display with only the one game? This is for an arcade build and I'd like it to be as streamlined as possible.

edit: would something like "attract --import-romlist mame.lst --import-romlist python3.lst merged" work (put the two together in a new list called "merged")? I have a MAME 2003.txt file, but can't find a .lst file anywhere. And would I need to change to a certain directory, or can this be done from the home folder?

General / Re: Is there any way to merge two arcade lists? Please help
« on: September 06, 2016, 09:53:03 AM »
The easiest way would be to put the roms in your arcade rom folder:


You'll have to configure which is the default emulator, then specify individually for the rest, in ES.

General / Re: How to set up attract mode step by step
« on: September 06, 2016, 09:49:21 AM »
I'm having difficultly setting AM up in Retropie, specifically the "arcade" emulator folder. I'm able to link the correct rom path but I think because the "arcade" emulator folder has the option of choosing either MAME or FBA, my roms just wont load. Any help?

I recommend booting into emulationstation so you can configure it that way. Make sure you know which MAME version each rom is using (similar to trying to play a PS2 game on an Xbox). When opening a game, you can press a button to open the config options. This lets you set a default for all roms in the folder as well as a default for each individual rom. After you've verified they work, you can switch back to AM in the retropie option in ES. Then all should be good to go.

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