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Themes / Re: Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 update 24
« Last post by kent79 on January 17, 2025, 02:43:09 PM »
Update to v2 update 24

-add numeric keypad input popup message while on theme startup
Themes / Re: Theme Pandora Box Atract 2.1 (Update-Menu system)
« Last post by momir76 on January 17, 2025, 06:31:22 AM »
How to make gamelist formated with 4 digits like on real Pandora box, with game numbers 0001,0002,0003...
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by zestful on January 17, 2025, 05:03:06 AM »
Amiga CD32 theme added

-CD tray opens / closes with disc insert animation
-See through windows showing disc animation
-Recreation of CD load button lights
-Top selling games on filter menu
-Alternative desk style (forgot to show on video)
-Related systems on filter menu (forgot to show on video)

Sorry for the lack of updates recently I was in a car accident and ended up with a spinal fracture, so hadn't been able to do much build stuff.   

Also fixed a wee bug I noticed while recording where if a filter was applied the correct top selling game wouldn't load.

Desk theme 1

Tray open animation, disk animates in

Desk theme 2

Filter overlay (button X), includes theme switching options, top selling games and related systems.
Scripting / [ListEntry] Format
« Last post by momir76 on January 16, 2025, 01:58:11 AM »
I want to format ListEntry with 4 digits like this 0001, 0002, 0003

I have code:

Code: [Select]
local list1 = ShuffleNumber(12, "text", "[ListEntry]");

list1.slots[0].set_pos(flx*0.055, fly*0.225, flw*0.250, flh*0.044);
list1.slots[0].set_rgb (R,G,B);
list1.slots[0].font ="zekton";
list1.slots[0].charsize = font_size;
list1.slots[0].alpha = alpf;
list1.slots[0].align = Align.Left;
list1.slots[0].zorder = -1;

list1.slots[1].set_pos(flx*0.055, fly*0.262, flw*0.250, flh*0.080);
list1.slots[1].set_rgb (R,G,B);
list1.slots[1].font ="zekton";
list1.slots[1].charsize = font_size;
list1.slots[1].alpha = alpf;
list1.slots[1].align = Align.Left;
for all 12 slots

if i add this, not showing game numbers

Code: [Select]
if (("[ListEntry]").len() > 0 && ("[ListEntry]").len() < 2)
  local list1 = ShuffleNumber(12, "text", "000[ListEntry]");
Themes / Re: Announcing HyperNut theme
« Last post by justintime on January 14, 2025, 07:46:29 PM »
Updated to version 1.4 which adds support for shaped curved CRT for the preview snaps.
General / Mouse Move Command on Emulator Start
« Last post by Matty3891 on January 12, 2025, 12:39:48 PM »
Hi, first post here so …. 👋

First time I’ve used Attract Mode, it’s great, love how everything is easily customisable and it just works…. Saying that though, just one teeny weeny issue I’m having 🤣;

This might be hardcoded into the program, as I can’t find a setting for it anywhere in the frontend settings or in the AM folder system.
For info, I’m using the ‘basic’ display option, and just running TeknoParrot from AM.
TP games do have quite long loading times, this seems to affect the focus between AM and TP, and sometimes the games return to the AM frontend.
To avoid this I have the display set to ‘Windowed (no border)’. This obviously shows the desktop on game start, which is fine as I have a black desktop background.
The only issue I have is that AM sends a command on emulator start up to send the mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen. This then un-hides the taskbar, which is set to automatically hide, and kind of spoils the arcade machine illusion.
Is there anyway to not send this mouse command please?
I have the Pointer set to a tiny dot, which can’t really be seen anyway so it doesn’t matter where it is on screen.
General / HyperPie Cinematix issue
« Last post by Boz1978 on January 12, 2025, 08:54:10 AM »
Hi there, i'm using the original Hyperpie on my pi3b setup. I've noticed some strange behaviour that could either be a bug or a user error on my part. From the main system menu which uses the Hyperpie Cinematix theme i select a system, then when i exit back to the main menu a random wheel logo art is displayed in the background for a short time until it gradually fades out. The size of this undesired artwork is about four times the size of the actual wheel art and it doesn't match the current system/logo being displayed. When i change the wheel position from left to right the random artwork doesn't display. Could this be an issue with the Cinematix layout.nut or something else? Thanks.
General / Dating for Sex.
« Last post by Mayki07 on January 11, 2025, 07:39:17 PM »
Themes / Re: PopupInfo plug-in
« Last post by Lukesv on January 10, 2025, 02:33:20 AM »
Themes / Re: PopupInfo plug-in
« Last post by justintime on January 09, 2025, 01:14:55 PM »
That is my HyperNut theme (somewhat modified for my cabinet).    Its posted in this same forum section and available here:

What theme do you use in your images?
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