Yep! I'll tell you if you give the details of your moto/rotation setup

plugin_command() and plugin_command_bg(): will wait until the command has finished running. Ideally you would use plugin_command_bg() which will run and continue on - maybe you don't want it to launch the game until the rotation has finished though? I guess that depends on your executable.
You would run this in an transition function, I guess ToGame:
function onTransition( ttype, var, ttime )
if ( ttype == Transition.ToGame )
local argString = "";
fe.plugin_command_bg( "rotate", argString );
I'm not entirely sure how/if that works in a layout - but it should. I think using that it would expect the rotate executable to be in your layout folder, but not positive.
Also, if that doesn't work I believe there is also this:
local cmd = system("rotate -r 60");