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General / [Help] Windows Build with FFmpeg 7.0 base on latest Source Code
« Last post by kent79 on Yesterday at 10:20:58 PM »
Dear All,

As title, there is picture & sound not sync issue in 2.7.0 version. Anyone can build a version with FFmpeg 7.0 since I don't know how to build it. Thanks.
Themes / Re: Nostalgic Build, theme per system AM+
« Last post by zestful on October 01, 2024, 02:01:42 PM »
General / Re: Issue starting a game, The game starts in the background
« Last post by markangelo on September 29, 2024, 07:53:37 PM »
Looks like the issue might be related to Windows handling of key presses during startup. Maybe try disabling sticky keys or adjusting your input settings to prevent unintended behavior when MAME or other apps are loading.
General / Add system Button not show on left panel on RLUI
« Last post by kingmaxmmxweisun on September 28, 2024, 05:18:09 AM »
My RLUI load and show FE=HyperSpin Attraction |Plugin=AttractMode
Add system Button not show on left panel on RLUI
How do I do ?

i'm using my favourites tag from mame as an Arcade Classics, so i've added to favourites all my fav games from mame, i won't add any console game to the fav list, but i would like to add the atomiswave games to it, but if i add an atomiswave to fav, it creates it's atomiswave tag, and the games wont show in favourites. (sorry for the confusion)
is there any way to create a single favourite tag in 2024?using attract mode plus on mac.
thanks in advance!

You MUST be viewing the "All Systems" list mentioned in Step #1 when selecting games to have anything show in any tag file or any favorite file for the "All Systems" group. If you select tag or favorite from the individual systems or other combined lists, they will appear in different files for those systems and not in the "All Systems" tag/favorite files.

P.S. You can always manually modify or combine the text file (copy and paste) to make the list(s) you want.
General / Re: Bizarre issue with the wrong game launching
« Last post by progets on September 28, 2024, 01:32:43 AM »
Run the game in "console mode". This will show the exact command Attract-Mode is sending and very likely expose the issue to you, or to someone on the forum if you post the results.
General / Re: Bizarre issue with the wrong game launching
« Last post by Lukesv on September 27, 2024, 07:09:28 AM »
Check the romlist.
General / AM JukeBox on Android, iOS (with touch function)
« Last post by kent79 on September 26, 2024, 07:54:57 PM »
As we known, attract mode can't run on Android Device. But now I have make it true. I installed Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 Theme and running it perfectly.

Actually, there is no way to install am in android directly. So, I try to use moonlight (android client)  &  Nvidia GameStream (PC host) for do it. While, host and client is connected, You can see the picture and listen the sound on android.

Then, setup Controls key on attract mode, up-> Mouse Up, down-> Mouse Down, left-> Mouse Left, right-> Mouse Up. Now, you can control jukebox theme using by touch function. If you don't Nvidia display card, you may install Sunshine for host to instead.



Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 Theme
Themes / Re: Classic Anime & Tokusatsu (C.A.T.) JukeBox v2 update 14
« Last post by kent79 on September 26, 2024, 06:25:24 AM »
Update to v2 update 14

- fixed missing music countdown Timer when in random shuffle mode ( I hope so )
General / Bizarre issue with the wrong game launching
« Last post by SuperBee on September 23, 2024, 07:32:15 PM »
Running the latest Attract Mode 2.7.0 with MAME .269 and an up-to-date, merged ROMset.  Everything works great except...

When I try to run Pacman (Midway), the game that launches is Pacmania. 
  • Running "mame pacman" from the command line launches the game as expected.
  • Looking at the Attract Mode output/logs, it appears that Attract Mode is actually passing "pacmania" on the command line, i.e. it's not MAME missing a ROM and trying to do fuzzy matching.
  • Looking at MAME.txt, all of the correct information for Pac-Man (Midway) appears to be there.  All of the info displayed on screen with the game selected appears correct.
  • I've tried rebuilding the games list repeatedly, the issue always remains.
  • If I actually try to run Pacmania, it works as expected.
  • I have not seen any other games so far that exhibit this same type of mixup.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I'm stumped as to how it could be just this one game with this issue.
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