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Topics - placebo_yue

Pages: [1]
Themes / Cartoon Network web circa 2001
« on: May 27, 2022, 09:22:07 PM »
So, i use attract mode to play flashpoint games, and 99% of them are from cartoon network so i decided to create this theme. The list on the left is the actual romlist, the name of the currently selected game is highlighted in white on the list and also displayed on top of the snap. The wheel can be turned off.
I created this modifying the "Vintage DOS" theme, which i didn't bother to even edit the credits out of.

Anyone interested? i can upload if you are

General / change order in which emulator screens appear?
« on: November 29, 2021, 06:30:40 PM »
I'm always scrolling thru them all to find the one i want because they're in random order. I'd like to order them by console/portable or maybe chronological order, like NES, SNES, GENESIS, PSX, PS2 and such... how can i?

Themes / A few edits i've made of other people's themes
« on: October 11, 2021, 12:31:52 PM »
I dunno about the original authors or the threads where i've got them so i figured i'd share them in a new thread.  I didn't delete the credits from the layout.nut so that information should still be there.

I've edited a robospin_gba theme to give it a few more options (like using shaders on the screen, and swapping the background from a light to a dark color, and swapping the console from the classic purple onto the transparent one)
and then i created a bunch of themes for other portables using that base. There's PSP, wonderswan, neo geo pocket and game gear.

I also edited the theme "Vintage DOS", mostly to let the videos play as soon as you enter the layout, and also to let them loop after they're done playing once. I've also done some little cosmetic changes like how the selection looks, and if i recall corectly the use of shaders here was also added by me, original theme had scanlines.

hope anyone likes them!

Scripting / Multi-emulator setting?
« on: June 22, 2021, 08:49:35 AM »
I asked this on the themes subforum but i probably should've asked here.
Is there a way (AKA did someone come up with a plugin) to have more than one .exe in a single emulator? meaning, swapping between snes9x and bsnes inside the same AM "emulator".
I'd like to have the option to go back and forth between the two, i already have the savestates and such set up and working. All i need is for a way to avoid having to create duplicate emulators inside AM just for this thing.

sorry for spamming this across two subforums i'm excited about the idea

Themes / Multi-emulator setting?
« on: June 22, 2021, 08:42:05 AM »
I was wondering if it's possible to swap between emulators (say, bsnes and snes9x) from inside a theme.

Is this even possible? i believe the emulator settings have nothing to do with themes, therefore shouldn't be possible. But maybe there's another way? can anyone point me in the right direction?

i'd love to have more than one option to play games, since each emulator has it's quirks. I've already set up the saves to be shared between emulators, so that part is done.
But i really don't wanna create another "emulator" inside AM just to have the alternative, i'd like for it to be easily interchangeable within a layout setting or something equally easy

Themes / [Request] Game Gear themes? (individual link, no packs)
« on: June 20, 2021, 04:24:24 PM »
i've been scrolling around this forum for a while now and all the game gear themes are either inside a big-ass pack of 500mb, or it's links are dead.

Anyone has a bunch of game gear themes to share? I suppose uploading a single theme inside a .rar wouldn't take much time.
 I already have every other console set up nicely so i don't need anything but game gear, thus downloading a 500mb pack seems like a waste of space and time

General / BIN/CUE roms, how to "prefer CUE if available"?
« on: January 17, 2021, 02:15:23 PM »
As the title says, i have a particular game which i compressed from a cue with 20 bin audio tracks into a single bin+cue.
The game works fine with music (why i went thru this hassle) if i open the cue file, but NOT if i open the bin file.
How do i tell attract mode to open the cue if available? apparently it goes straight for the bin, and because many other games are simply bin files i can't just vanish the bin format from my romlist creation.

General / Xinput "Home/ON/Xbox" button not recognised by AM?
« on: September 04, 2020, 08:55:48 AM »
I'd like to map that button as hotkey for ending process, but AM ignores competely my presses.
I've been using joy2key for this, since it does recognise the button, and i just map that to the emulators exit hotkey. But it'd be cleaner and easier to just do it from AM, if there's a way.

Is there a way?

General / listXML for non-MAME emulators
« on: August 12, 2020, 08:20:37 PM »
Ok so here's the deal, i have a few arcade emulators besides MAME, like Nebula (for neo-geo and capcom), supermodel, and Model2. I'd like to use only one, but this is the easiest and fastest way i got every game i wanted running.

Now,i can't retrieve the metadata of those with thegamesdb. BUT i can get it with listxml if i swap the emulator with my MAME executable, generate the romlist, then swap back to the original emulator.

But it's a pain in the ass to do that every single time i update the romlists. Is there a way to force the romlist to retrieve the data from my MAME executable but keeping the real emulator in place?

Or perhaps there's a similar command for Nebula and the others to retrieve the same data? or a way to export the list from mame and load it as a file for the other romlists?

General / Unable to modify or create romlists
« on: August 12, 2020, 08:27:56 AM »
Since last night, for some reason, AM is unable to modify or create romlists in any way.

I can't change titles, i can't delete entries, and if i overwrite a romlist it stays the same. If i create an emulator, it doesn't create it's corresponding romlist, although it automatically sets the emulator's romlist with it's corresponding romlist, but it's a "ghost" one that dissapears when you scroll between your romlists, clearly because it never existed. (i did check in the folders, it does not exist)

I downloaded a fresh clean download of the frontend, and same thing happens. I even tried an older build, same thing.
I apparently don't have issues with other software, only Attract-Mode romlist creation.
I spent hours last night googling and it might be because of a windows update, but i'm not finding a solution.

Anyone been thru this?

General / Game works when ran from emulator, but not from frontend
« on: August 10, 2020, 01:58:19 PM »
This never happened to me before, but right now i was completing my neo-geo/CPS2 and such collection, and "VHUNT2" as  in "vampire hunter 2", one of the entries on the darkstalkers fighting games, is stuck in a black screen BUT only when ran from AM. If i open Nebula and then select the rom from the list, it works. No other game gave me such error. Oh im using nebula 2.25, btw.
To be honest i'd give up on this game at this point, there's like three other darkstalkers games that ran. But i'd like to know what caused this issue and how to avoid it in the future, and by doing so also possibly helping out someone out there with the same problem.

General / Metadata for non-MAME romlists?
« on: August 05, 2020, 09:57:12 PM »
Is this possible somehow? for mame i didn't have to move a finger and it scraped all the information for me, which is neat.
It would really help me to filter games by single/multiplayer and make a neat list for whenever i play with friends

Also, since recreating the romlist overwrites any changes i do manually, the auto-scraping of said data is crucial.
Otherwise im choosing between manually fixing every entry each time i add a few roms, or adding the roms manually to the textfile, or creating a new romlist and merging it with a backup with my information (again, manually). Which is awful and tedious.

I have "SkraperUI" installed which really helped me getting all the art for my games, but i never dwelled into the metadata side of the scraping before. I thought it could be added separately from the romlists but apparently not, which is BAD.

Any advice?

Emulators / EPSXe and multidisk games. How?
« on: January 12, 2020, 07:26:21 PM »
As the title says, i use EPSXe and i have no clue how to approach multidisk games, and there's some great ones like final fantasy (7 and 9) or metal gear solid.

I must find a solution to this! You have any? Only thing i can come up with is adding the game twice, but if some game needs to swap disks during gameplay it could get tricky.

Themes / PSP robospin
« on: July 14, 2019, 05:49:10 PM »
It's a modification of Sean Wallitsch's "Robospin GBA".
Hope you don't mind me doing this without asking for permission. Since i didn't see any layouts for PSP i gave it a try.
There is a lot of room for improvement but i think it looks fine for an hour (or so) of work eh?

Any feedback is welcome.

General / Update Romlist without losing changes
« on: July 11, 2019, 09:25:21 PM »
Something i've been struggling since i started using AM is this, whenever i download a single new game for a certain emulator, if i wanna include it on my lists, i lose all the changes i made to every other rom, the displayed name, the genre, number of players, etc.

Is there a way to look for roms and ignore the ones that are already there, only add the new ones? or anything along the lines, maybe something that asks you if you wanna overwrite, something that saves for good on some config file what you change on the roms?

is there a way to load the information from, say, the NES romlist so it's automatically applied to an "ALL GAMES" list? i'm currently not inheriting any data from the lists.

please help

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