Author Topic: Feature requests?  (Read 14403 times)


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Feature requests?
« on: June 07, 2014, 06:43:43 PM »
Hi, I was wondering if devs would be open to feature requests/ ideas? if so I have a few.

1: a simple layout editor would rock
2: the ability to have per game layouts (if this is already implemented sorry I just couldn't figure out how to do it)
3: maybe have an "on launch" or "on exit" command available to we can include other exe files or bat files to help emu's open and close cleaner or include scripting to edit close commands for emulators. (launch arguments seem to work fine)

I think thats about it, I've been using hyperspin for a few years now and after playing around with attact mode for about an hour I decided to scavange all of my emu's/roms/and art from my HS setup and dive right into attract mode..... its that much better already!

please keep up the incredible work!


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Re: Feature requests?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 08:24:50 PM »
I too was an Hyperspin user. These days i can't stand the slow bloated shitpile.

AttractMode is very easy to use, it's just when you get to themes/plugins etc, that it helps to be familiar with at least one or two programming languages.
Great excuse to learn, if you aren't a programmer of some sort already.

1: There was somebody working on a layout editor, from I understand, they threw in the towel.
I've considered writing one myself, I dunno.

2: This could be done with script by checking the [title] and executing another layout script.

3: I'm using Hyperlaunch with AM for the moment. But also, you can do this in scripts.
Specifically the transitions Transition.FromGame and Transition.ToGame, combine those with being able to have a separate layout for each emulator, and you shouldn't have a problem.
For example, Transition.ToGame could run fe.do_nut("mame.nut"); which would be a script that executes xpadder.exe and sets a profile.

AttractMode is extremely powerful once you start digging in to it. It's just not point and click, and requires a functioning brain with the ability to learn.

Have a look through the extras on github.
Also, I've written my own layout, feel free to have a look


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Re: Feature requests?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 10:59:28 AM »
Hyperlaunch and attract mode...... thats a powerful combo! and I just checked out your warp layout. pretty neat, I might use that for my atomiswave setup


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Re: Feature requests?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 12:45:26 PM »
It is, especially if you set up the defaults correctly.

Code: [Select]
executable           ../hyperlaunch/hyperlaunch.exe
args                 "[emulator]" "[romfilename]"
rompath              ../emulators/[emulator]/roms/
romext               .zip
artwork    flyer           ../artwork/[emulator]/flyer
artwork    marquee   ../artwork/[emulator]/marquee
artwork    snap           ../artwork/[emulator]/videos;../artwork/[emulator]/snap
artwork    wheel        ../artwork/[emulator]/wheel

There is the minor problem of although HL is great, it can also suck big time. You'll also need the hyperspin.exe and databases in the attractmode dir.
I prefer the older hyperlaunch release 2.0.

Last thing. warp layout isn't mine, it's raygun's (AM creator). All I've done is branched the master and added "swapper", it will hopefully get pulled upstream.


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Re: Feature requests?
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2014, 10:16:10 PM »
Hi, I was wondering if devs would be open to feature requests/ ideas? if so I have a few.

1: a simple layout editor would rock
2: the ability to have per game layouts (if this is already implemented sorry I just couldn't figure out how to do it)
3: maybe have an "on launch" or "on exit" command available to we can include other exe files or bat files to help emu's open and close cleaner or include scripting to edit close commands for emulators. (launch arguments seem to work fine)

I think thats about it, I've been using hyperspin for a few years now and after playing around with attact mode for about an hour I decided to scavange all of my emu's/roms/and art from my HS setup and dive right into attract mode..... its that much better already!

please keep up the incredible work!

Hi, yes feature requests and ideas are always welcome.  It certainly helps me to have requests hashed out a bit either on the forum or the github issue tracker, so others can chime in with their implementation ideas.

There was a bit of a false start on a layout editor, but nothing is happening on that front now (that I know of)...  Also, given that we have the ability to make a lot of user-customizable options in the Attract-Mode layouts, I wonder if a layout with the background image, foreground image, snap placement and list placement being completely customizable could cover this off for a lot of the situations where someone would want to use a layout editor... I dunno.

With respect to #3, I would also add that plug-ins can do a lot of this already as well.  You can create plugins that get notified whenever a game is launched or the front end is exiting and then run any external commands that you want based on that.  The espeak plugin is a good example as it launches the espeak executable whenever the frontend starts, ends or whenever a game is launched....