Still no luck after trying the above options.this.
RetroArch error log:
[INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [Overrides] no core-specific overrides found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo\FinalBurn Neo.cfg.
[INFO] [Overrides] no content-dir-specific overrides found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo\Arcade.cfg.
[INFO] [Overrides] no game-specific overrides found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo\galaga.cfg.
[INFO] [Shaders]: preset directory: D:\Arcade\RetroArch\shaders\presets
[INFO] [Remaps]: remap directory: D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\remaps
[INFO] [Remaps]: no game-specific remap found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\remaps\FinalBurn Neo\galaga.rmp.
[INFO] [Remaps]: no content-dir-specific remap found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\remaps\FinalBurn Neo\Arcade.rmp.
[INFO] [Remaps]: no core-specific remap found at D:\Arcade\RetroArch\config\remaps\FinalBurn Neo\FinalBurn Neo.rmp.
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\saves\galaga.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\states\galaga.state".
[INFO] Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[INFO] CRC32: 0x25a4b18e .
[INFO] Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\system".
[libretro ERROR] [FBNEO] Couldn't locate the galaga archive anywhere, this game probably won't boot.
[libretro ERROR] [FBNEO] ROM at index 0 with CRC 0xab036c9f is required ...
[libretro ERROR] [FBNEO] Can't launch this game, some files are missing.
[ERROR] Failed to load content.
[INFO] Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds.
[INFO] Unloading game..
[INFO] Unloading core..
[INFO] Unloading core symbols..this.
This is my current cfg.
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.5.1
executable "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\retroarch.exe"
args -L "D:\Arcade\RetroArch\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll" "[romfilename]"
rompath "D:\Arcade\games\Arcade"
romext .zip
system Arcade
artwork flyer ..\media\boxart\arcade
artwork marquee
artwork snap ..\media\video\arcade
artwork wheel ..\media\logos\arcade
If I add an \ on the end of the rompath, the indented lines in the error log go away but the game still doesn't launch and the rest of the log is the same.