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Topics - Omamez

Pages: [1] 2
General / fatel error for github sfml and attractmode git clone 12072017
« on: September 12, 2017, 03:17:10 AM »
trying to clone attract mode and sfml from gothub getting fatel error either via putty or experimental retropie 4.20

is the git hub down?

General / Asus takes on Raspberry Pi with 4K-capable Tinker Board
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:12:57 AM »
32-bit A17 CPU bolstered by fast Mali-T764 GPU, 2GB of RAM, and gigabit Ethernet.

General / joystick & buttons template
« on: January 05, 2017, 02:00:58 PM »
I had few templates I made before HDD crash

I don't want to redo it as it took long time to create on photoshop was wondering if there is 6 button upside down smile style template that some likes to share with me

General / RetroPie 4.1.8 /AM 2.2.0 RPI 3 Kodi Woes
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:12:24 AM »
As the heading mentions I'm having issues with kodi navigational bar weather be xbox360 wireless controller (original) and (bluetooth dongle) and wired keyboard

first video is with xbox360 contoller it only scrolls navigational menu's ("Pictures", "Add-ons", (Power Button") to view online link below

Second Method is via wired keyboard if i keep the right arrow pressed it tries to scroll across soon as I let the right button arrow go the selected menu scrolls back to "Pictures" if I'm quick enough to press enter on other menus I can enter it. I tried different themes and redownloading same issue.

all these symptoms happen both via emulationstation and Attractmode


Themes / NES Mini theme would be nice for people who missed out
« on: December 26, 2016, 12:58:40 AM »
NES Mini theme would be nice for people who missed out

wonder if the Nes Mini can be ripped?

General / Jamma for RPI
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:26:04 AM »
Came across this page today for anyone interested I'm not affiliated with the site owner or dev's

Project Kajitsu?
Project Kajitsu (Kajitsu is Japanese for Berry) is the brain child of Mike Wolak and Jasen Hicks based on the $35 Raspberry Pi B+ Model. The goal was to use the Raspberry Pi with a custom Pi Hat / Linux kernel and turn 2 ordinary PS3 or XBOX360 controllers into 2 Discrete JAMMA compatible controllers. We succeeded.

General / Monitor sizes for bartop arcade
« on: July 01, 2016, 06:15:13 PM »
I have 3 options to use

1 x 4:3 19 inch samsung lcd
1 x 16:10  22 inch lcd
1 x 16:9 19 inch lcd

I leaning more towards the 4:3 or 16:10

any thoughts and suggestions

General / RPI 3 Overclocking
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:08:19 AM »
Here some overclocking settings for RPI3 make sure you have decent PSU


to monitor your temps via putty

General / rpi 3 and external hdd
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:45:06 PM »
Ok why do I get blank screen after the retropi logo on floobs 0.4 when i change the

sudo nano b/etc/fsta

I enter this line

/dev/sda1       /mnt/disk      ext4      defaults   0       1 

so it points to my external hdd?

also to make note teh rpi 3 has  solid red light and flashing green light

Themes / Some overlays
« on: June 04, 2016, 07:27:58 AM »
some overlays not by me cannot remember where I d/l them from!pgZnwJSL!44XxQaVzQ5qu65lASy6HK22xV2-HyqKIkbpuWcb866o

might be of some use to some one

General / omegaman - been quit lately
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:58:32 PM »
he must be busy coding :)

General / 4 button joystick buttun setup
« on: May 09, 2016, 06:29:23 PM »
Can people refresh my memory what games need 4 button top and bottom row to play with in mame compared to 3 and 3

General / Bartop Cabinet CNC Plans anyone
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:55:49 PM »
Does anyone have plans for bartop that will fit at least 19inch and up monitor, thinking of selling my older one with 17inch just setup no roms or artwork will be supplied

I have cabinet maker nearby with a cnc machine so that would be ideal if anyone has any cnc plans and does not mind sharing that would be fantastic.I can paysome tomodify some cnc plans i have but only fit 19inch max I believe, I wanna use my 23inch 16:10 monitor

I guess that didn't go to well with the my finacial advisor my wife I guess I' stuck with my cab build for little longe

General / Micro SDCard and USB Thumbs Drive Setup RPI 3
« on: May 04, 2016, 03:29:47 PM »
Has anyone done this setup and it works ok? been thinking about it as I could save around 15 to 20gigs of my micro sd problem is 128gb micro they still expensive compared to usb thumb for vids and snaps

General / Mame ROM Lister and what to save as
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:14:00 PM »
I have managed to work out rom lister now I need to know what format I save the list and where I place it in AM for mame games.

I got rid of all the clones and casino and mature games etc.

any hint would be appreciated

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