Thanks... Yeah, the skew bug is probably causing the alignment issue. It's usually tolerable with common aspect ratios.
If you let me know what resolution you're using I can tweak the layout.nut for you. That, or you can edit the layout.nut and tweak the coordinates starting at line 127. Using Notepad++ comes in handy for this and it's free.
surface.set_pos(flx*0.092, fly*0.38, flw*0.226, flh*0.267); increase the flx value to move snap right, decrease to move it left. For fly, increase value to move snap down and vice versa to move up. Just use small increments. If your feeling frisky you can tweak the skew arguments as needed.
My resolution is 1280 X 1024 so in vertical I guess it would actually be 1024 X 1280 .
I had to mess with the settings the first time I setup Robospin, can these be copy and pasted or will they not work. Seem to be different from the previous version. Here is the settings that I found to work best for my dispaly.
local surface = fe.add_surface( 640, 480 );
local snap = FadeArt("snap", 0, 0, 640, 480, surface );
snap.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
surface.set_pos(flx*0.084, fly*0.385, flw*0.228, flh*0.255);
surface.skew_y = -10;
surface.skew_x = 0;
surface.pinch_y = 4;
surface.pinch_x = 0;
surface.rotation = -7.0;