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Messages - Finhead

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Themes / Re: Best theme for an arcade machine?
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:28:40 AM »
Please try my NEVATO theme if you can - I don't have any first hand reviews how it behaves on arcade monitor.
t's responsive and works great on 4:3 LCD, but I don't now how it looks/works on real arcade.

You can download it here:

If he uses it horzontal it would work fine, vertical it will only fill 2/3rds of a screen at best.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:36:10 PM »
Scratch that, yep that worked fine to just copy paste. :)

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:26:36 PM »

Thanks... Yeah, the skew bug is probably causing the alignment issue. It's usually tolerable  with common aspect ratios.

If you let me know what resolution you're using I can tweak the layout.nut for you. That, or you can edit the layout.nut and tweak the coordinates starting at line 127. Using Notepad++ comes in handy for this and it's free.

surface.set_pos(flx*0.092, fly*0.38, flw*0.226, flh*0.267); increase the flx value to move snap right, decrease to move it left. For fly, increase value to move snap down and vice versa to move up. Just use small increments. If your feeling frisky you can tweak the skew arguments as needed.   

My resolution is 1280 X 1024 so in vertical I guess it would actually be 1024 X 1280 .

I had to mess with the settings the first time I setup Robospin, can these be copy and pasted or will they not work. Seem to be different from the previous version. Here is the settings that I found to work best for my dispaly.

local surface = fe.add_surface( 640, 480 );
local snap = FadeArt("snap", 0, 0, 640, 480, surface );
snap.trigger = Transition.EndNavigation;
snap.preserve_aspect_ratio = false;
surface.set_pos(flx*0.084, fly*0.385, flw*0.228, flh*0.255);
surface.skew_y = -10;
surface.skew_x = 0;
surface.pinch_y = 4;
surface.pinch_x = 0;
surface.rotation = -7.0;

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 25, 2016, 01:43:05 PM »

Here it is. Would you mind testing it for me? Try switching between the wheel, vertical art, and text box. Thanks...

The theme forum has been updated as well.

Got it , installed and tested.
Everything works perfect besides the cabinet snap/video is not aligned. It was like this on other versions as well, I'm guessing it's the vertical orientation of my screen?

I really like the vertical wheel art rather than the standard version. Again just looks and works better with my orientation.

Great addons to a nice theme. ;)

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 25, 2016, 12:10:57 PM »

Here it is. Would you mind testing it for me? Try switching between the wheel, vertical art, and text box. Thanks...

The theme forum has been updated as well.

I would but I can't download it without creating a account??

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:24:22 PM »
FYI for Robospin... I've added the ability to switch between wheel art, vertical art and text box via layout options. The text box should come in handy on the pi for those who want a faster list. Hopefully, floob can add this to his next image build.

Floob, I recommend turning off most of robospins shader effects like CRT, Bloom, and lighted marquee as this can slow things down considerably on the pi. I noticed they were all turn on in v04. I don't remember, but I could have uploaded robospin with those options turned on. But, I honestly don't remember.  ;) Thanks...

Is this up for download anywhere now or just keeping it for prebuild images?

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:54:40 PM »
Ok thanks I've succeeded !! but I can't find the blue Retropie screen at the boot of the rpi !! I would just replace the image by my own image or disable it.

I check the Retopie wiki but I can't localize the image, do you know where it is ?!

In the "/home/pi/RetroPie/splashscreens" there is nothing..

Sorry try this, pertty easy to look around at folders and see where things are placed.


General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:14:48 PM »
Ok thanks you very much for the quickly response !! I can't put a generic splashcreen for all the games ?!

It is possibly to change the blue Retropie splashscreen at the boot ?!! I can't find the directory where the image is..

Not that I am aware of, you need the image name to match the rom name to launch as far as I know.
My images that ES uses (and AM will as well if setup) are located in
/opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/downloaded_images/[emulator name]

Splashscreen location, I use a video myself but easy to change images with the menu in ES.

You should really go through the RetroPie Wiki it's full of useful info. ;)

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 23, 2016, 02:58:16 PM »
Hello, Thanks for the image !! it work very well :)

I just want to know how can i put a slapshscreen when the game launching (and why not when exiting) ?!! I use mame4all..

Thanks you

You can configure the runcommand menu in EmulationStation to Launch menu art.
That will display your flyer or box art when launched if you have the correct path to the "[romname]-image" art folder.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:58:50 AM »
What device you use, Rpi 2 or RPi 3?
On the Rpi 3, I was unable to install a wireless Loitech keyboard K700 or on the clean version Retropie 3.7. On the Rpi 2 and dualboot Openelec and Retropie 3.0  Logitech keyboard works.  :-\

I run a wireless keyboard, RPi3 with RetroPie 3.7/Attract Mode. I compiled my own image though, no issues with the keyboard except as Progets pointed out the actual A-Z keys don't work in the X version. I use the non X version anyway so it makes zero diff to me.

General / Re: RPI 1&2 Attractmode image
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:55:40 PM »
I`m having problems with mame-4all.
I doesn´t launch my roms.
I`ve copied the 0.37b5 mame romset into de roms folder , created the romlist , but when i try to launch anyone of the games in my list nothing happens.
Any suggestion please?
Sounds like your executable path is not set correctly.  You need to make sure it's set to open the version of mame your romset works with.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 21, 2016, 11:33:36 PM »

I think the Al lib error is fairly benign but annoying. To fix it, install pulseaudio. 

Update, I would hold off using pulseaudio for now. Until, some further testing can be done.

Any ideas on the glGetError 0x500 ? It doesn't seem to effect anything for running roms etc but it does bring up a the screen while loading the rom to show the error. If it were fixed it might bypass showing any console text? That's the only issue I am having with the non X Attract Mode version, the X version did not show any console text while loading roms.

Hi there, I don't know what is causing these errors, but they seem harmless.

To stop them from showing, run attract mode with the following command:
Code: [Select]
attract &> /dev/null
Or to completely stop console clutter, you could try:
Code: [Select]
stty -echo;attract &> /dev/null; stty echo

Thanks for the quick reply to this.

Just tried these out.
Code: [Select]
attract &> /dev/null  This crashes the boot cycle and bumps it back into the console, have to edit the profile.d file to get it to boot again after that.

Code: [Select]
stty -echo;attract &> /dev/null; stty echo  This doesn't seem to do anything but run it exactly as it was showing the console when running a rom.

General / Re: Connecting a Raspberry Pi to 15k CRT, Cool!
« on: May 20, 2016, 06:54:21 PM »

Nice pickup, getting an original is always good. I'm assuming it's a plywood cabinet based on the age as opposed to that dreadful particle board. Either way, If it were me I would sand it down and bondo the hell out of it. Put some primer on then paint it. The more expensive option is to laminate it. Whatever you decide on, it should keep you busy for awhile.

As for the Pi, can't you just use a composite breakout cable into the input of the TV? Something like this ->

As you probably already know, You need to edit the config.txt and not have the hdmi pluged in at the same time. The resolution is the easy part, 640x480 @ 60 Hz and your golden.

Heck, I need to try this for myself.

Just make sure you get the proper breakout cable.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 19, 2016, 02:19:40 PM »
maybe I need a powered hub is the hdd 2.5inch or 3.5inch is it 5400 or 7200rpm etc


You absolutely need a external power supply on any hard drive you attach to the Pi IMO. The Pi 3 needs all the power the 2.5 amp supply will give.
I run the 960 GB SSD in a external  enclosure with a powered USB hub with zero issues.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 19, 2016, 11:11:09 AM »

I think the Al lib error is fairly benign but annoying. To fix it, install pulseaudio. 

Update, I would hold off using pulseaudio for now. Until, some further testing can be done.

Any ideas on the glGetError 0x500 ? It doesn't seem to effect anything for running roms etc but it does bring up a the screen while loading the rom to show the error. If it were fixed it might bypass showing any console text? That's the only issue I am having with the non X Attract Mode version, the X version did not show any console text while loading roms.

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