Themes / Re: Modern Layout with video tiles
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:10:38 PM »
Although it's work in progress, my layout is attached if anyone want to take a look.
Suggestions are welcome.
Amongst the things ive been looking at
- pinch/skew, it seems i cant make an oval-ish/roundish shape , only polygonal. im looking into doing a fisheye style shape. Not sure if thats possible
-snap.video_playing boolean value doesnt do anything. but i should be able to find a reason soon enough since it works in the screensaver
-cant put a surface in the conveyor although it's an fe.image type. Well you can but it goes mad and glitchy. Solved with multiple objects aggregated instead of surface with multiple layers.
class GameItem
local s = fe.add_artwork(my_config["orbit_art"]);
//s.video_flags = Vid.NoAutoStart;//works but can't start playing
local w = fe.add_artwork(my_config["wheel_art"]);
snap = s;
wheel = w;
function set_size(w,h){snap.width = w;wheel.width = w;snap.height = h;wheel.height = h;}
//function set_form(p){snap.pinch_y = p;wheel.pinch_y = p;}
function set_x(x){snap.x = x; wheel.x = x}
function set_y(y){snap.y = y; wheel.y = y-snap.height/1.2}
function set_alpha(a){snap.alpha = wheel.alpha = a;}
function set_bright(b){snap.set_rgb(b,b,b);wheel.set_rgb(b,b,b);}
function video_play(){snap.video_playing = true;}//not working
snap = null;
wheel = null;
Suggestions are welcome.
Amongst the things ive been looking at
- pinch/skew, it seems i cant make an oval-ish/roundish shape , only polygonal. im looking into doing a fisheye style shape. Not sure if thats possible
-snap.video_playing boolean value doesnt do anything. but i should be able to find a reason soon enough since it works in the screensaver
-cant put a surface in the conveyor although it's an fe.image type. Well you can but it goes mad and glitchy. Solved with multiple objects aggregated instead of surface with multiple layers.
class GameItem
local s = fe.add_artwork(my_config["orbit_art"]);
//s.video_flags = Vid.NoAutoStart;//works but can't start playing
local w = fe.add_artwork(my_config["wheel_art"]);
snap = s;
wheel = w;
function set_size(w,h){snap.width = w;wheel.width = w;snap.height = h;wheel.height = h;}
//function set_form(p){snap.pinch_y = p;wheel.pinch_y = p;}
function set_x(x){snap.x = x; wheel.x = x}
function set_y(y){snap.y = y; wheel.y = y-snap.height/1.2}
function set_alpha(a){snap.alpha = wheel.alpha = a;}
function set_bright(b){snap.set_rgb(b,b,b);wheel.set_rgb(b,b,b);}
function video_play(){snap.video_playing = true;}//not working
snap = null;
wheel = null;