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Topics - omegaman

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General / Hello old friends!
« on: July 13, 2020, 08:08:45 AM »
It's been a long time... Besides, improved and updated attract-mode is anything else new. I see a lot of cut and paste of old code with some improvements - other than that what do i need to get caught up on. 

General / There and back again.
« on: May 17, 2017, 08:08:52 AM »
I just want to say Hi! to all the old timers and hello to the new guys. AM has come a long way thanks to your passion and dedication. Keep up the fight for the good guys. It's been a while.

Emulators / Latest mame romlist based on filtered wheel set
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:10:30 AM »
For people who don't like using filters, I've generated a mame (latest) romlist that has been filtered on a complete minted wheel set with some extras added in. Clones and the typical crap has been filtered out as well. This means you don't need to use any filter rules to have a clean romlist. This also takes care of empty or generic wheel art. Updated nplayers and catver also included. There should be about 2600+ games in your romlist.

I do have a global filter as a secondary line of defense but it shouldn't be needed.

      rule                 CloneOf not_equals .*
      rule                 Year not_contains ?

Themes / Updating Aeon themes.
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:52:30 PM »
Updated some of my old aeon themes. Text colors change every 30 sec and can be adjusted. Using some different category icons. I'll probably do the same for MFR icons.   

Themes / Spring cleaning, old steampunk theme
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:28:26 AM »
An old steampunk theme that I created awhile back. Anyway, I'm thinking about sending it to the bit bucket unless someone is interested in this kind of thing. 

General / Connecting a Raspberry Pi to 15k CRT, Cool!
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:42:23 AM »
So, I found this great write up on how to connect the Rpi to a 15k CRT. At first, this might sound a little suspect but it's totally doable. I figured this might make a great project for anyone who is interested in converting an old cab. Here is the Link ->

Here's a diagram of how the components are connected. What do you guys think?

Themes / Anyone interested in some wheel art that I created?
« on: April 25, 2016, 10:13:26 AM »
I created some extra wheel art for RoboSpin, if anyone is interested.

Download here!sd4WUJRY!jc0qznxuLfbZg6D6x7c2Pg

Of note, each wheel set has a color matching wheel image for missing art in the same download folder with question mark on it.

Instructions, place the missing art wheel image that matches the set you downloaded into your layout folder like robospin. Then just rename it wheel.png. Now, when you have missing wheel art this image will be used.

General / MOVED: Daphne question
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:31:09 AM »

Themes / Preview snap of robospin's next update
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:56:53 AM »

Robospin was getting stale, so I updated it with some newer features like pan-and-scan and so on.

System logos were already included but I added game mfr logos as well, being inspired my malfacine's maelstrom layout. I added a lot more mfr logos to what he had collected.

I also made some custom category icons. To keep things from being too cluttered, I made some small cosmetic changes as well. So, without further ado.

Take a peak here >

You can now download the pre-release for testing. To enable pan-and-scan, you choose it instead of a background image under layout options. Flyer art is used by default but you can always change the path in the emulator.cfg to use something else.

I'll move this back to themes once I feel it has been tested enough.

Emulators / Attract mode configs for Rocketlauncher
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:14:30 PM »
A lot of people have been asking about using RL with Attract, so here is what needs to happen on the attract side of the house. This was posted by the RL Dev, it does not cover setting up RocketLauncher itself.

What you need to do in each Attractmode\emulators\*.cfg, open them all in notepad++ and change the executable and args to this:

executable D:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe
args -s "[emulator]" -r "[name]" -p AttractMode -f "D:\AttractMode\attract.exe"

Obviously edit your path to your RL exe. When you do that, your RL log will show this:

Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Nintendo Entertainment System -r 1942 (Japan, USA) -p AttractMode -f D:\AttractMode\attract.exe"

One other important thing is the system names in Attractmode must match RL official names. So for NES, the emulator cfg looks like this:
Nintendo Entertainment System.cfg

It makes no sense to keep them the emulator names as what comes default with AttractMode as RL is now handling emulators, not the FE. Also, if you don't want to change the names, then you have to edit that -s "[emulator] to include the official name: -s "Nintendo Entertainment System".

Announcements / MOVED: Re: Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate #3
« on: April 09, 2016, 12:51:34 PM »

Themes / Hyperspin theme based on robospin
« on: April 05, 2016, 04:25:31 PM »
Here's a whip based on robospin that can be used for hyperspin Default themes. I am still playing around with animating some elements but I'll release a finish product later. 

Just add to your \attract\layouts\Media\MAME\Themes folder.

Wheel art too big? You can change the width by editing the attract/loader/hyperspin.nut file at line 935. This might help with performance for under-spec systems. Experience users, can make other changes here as well. Making a backup copy of the nut is probably a good idea before editing.

You can also change the wheel speed under layout options to improve its performance but I wouldn't mess with the animation speed as it can cause erratic behavior.

Announcements / MOVED: Re: Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate #2
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:32:58 AM »

General / I got my raspberry PI3, yesterday. Milestones so far...
« on: March 15, 2016, 01:18:21 PM »
Yesterday, I got my sparking new raspberry PI3.

Milestones reached thus far:

Installed raspbian jessie, no noobs... Success
Installed and compiled SFML, attract, and FFMPEG... Success
Installed RetroPie... Success
Installed xbox and ps3 drivers... Success
Created and tested retroarch configs for nes, snes, n64... Success.
Configured menu bar to auto-hide... Success.
Autostart attract in the LXDE desktop... Success. Used this method ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart.
Deleted unwanted packages... Success.


Currently testing mupen64 libretrocore gfx plugins (rice,glide64,gln64) with mixed results; Might be better to use the mupen64 standalone, still to be determined.

Alternative was to install raspian jessie Lite and the following; This would use less memory and save space.
1. Xorg Display Server
2. Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE)
3. Openbox Window Manager
4. LightDM Login Manager

Still need to configure MAME 0.73 libretrocore and a few more emulator cores.

So far, everything is looking good.

Themes / Cockpit theme
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:50:52 AM »
Here it is, the cockpit theme that I've been promising. Mostly everything is working but there are some elements that I plan on updating in the near future.  The star and asteroid animation needs some improvement and I hope to improve on that soon. Anyway, any user feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm curious to see how this runs on low end machines as well, so any feedback on that would be appreciated too. Most of the animated stuff can be turned off under layout options if performance is affected - except for the animated hand and cockpit lights.   

- animated pilot hand
- animated stars or asteroids
- flyer and marquee opacity
- Animated cockpit lights

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