Author Topic: Pause Hotkey pressed, sending SIGSTOP signal to process 12617  (Read 3108 times)


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Posted earlier about Attract-Mode / MAME locking up when I launch any rom whatsoever and causing me to force quit (on OSX) to get back to my desktop.  I decided to run Attract-Mode from the command line (don't know why I waited this long).

This is the output in Terminal when I launch a game/ rom in Attract-Mode (1941 in this instance).

Code: [Select]

- Working directory:/mame/
*** Running: /mame/mame64 "1941"
 - Pause Hotkey pressed, sending SIGSTOP signal to process 12617

Any ideas here?  I checked my .cfg's and they are all default.  I know that I am not pressing the "P" key :)