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Messages - progets

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General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:12:42 AM »
If you want to use HyperSpin themes you need them to be in the .attract/layout/Media folder to work. This makes using a USB drive more challenging but not impossible. I don't use a USB drive but if you did you would need to either move your entire build (minus the boot partition) to the USB stick or use symbolic links so the folders look like they are on the SD Card.

A couple other thoughts...
- you can fit a ton of stuff on a 32 GB SD card (including artwork & vids)
- a 64 GB card will give you the space if you want a full mame set or a lot of PS1 or Dreamcast games (including artwork & vids)
- you might consider keeping your artwork on the SD card and move your larger roms (or maybe all roms) to a NAS or another PC that is always on and access them over the network

My personal HyperSpin build doesn't use any game specific themes or artwork directly from HyperSpin. I only use the "" themes and the Wheel artwork from HyperSpin (and the same for the HyperSpin "Main Menu"). This keeps the size much smaller and a lot of the per game themes don't display well in AM at this point. All the other folders I populate with the media I download from EmuMovies using their tool so the names all match. Some of my HyperSpin videos were too hi-res for AM. The "Video_MP4" videos from EmuMovies seem fine (this might be fixed in the non-x version of AM on Pi, I haven't tried) but either way will also take up less space.

EmuMovies Downloads-->My folder structure under /layouts/Media/<system>/
Marquee-->Marquee (MAME/FBA)
Banner-->Marquee (anything not MAME/FBA)

X:\HyperSpin\Media\<system>\-->My folder structure under /layouts/Media/<system>/

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:19:22 PM »
@Omamez - You can download my configuration at I made a ReadMe.txt to explain how/why things are setup. There is also a short, poorly made video to see what it looks like at

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 04, 2016, 11:10:52 AM »
@senkun - I've gotten this to work now but thanks for asking. My issues were with the dependencies on the new SFML-pi page, they weren't enough. I also had SFML fail only because of the readme.txt missing so I copied to readme.txt.

After I got it working I'm not sure if I'll use the non-x version. In x mode, I don't see any text between the game launch and game quit. In non-x mode I see the background text, though it's only for a second. Maybe there's a way to hide it in non-x mode.

I was also hoping that the non-x mode would help me launch Kodi from a HyperSpin theme by using the runcommand. It hasn't so far. I can launch and run it from either mode but I can hear the AM theme playing in the background and also can't properly quit back to AM.

The biggest benefit to non-x mode would be advmame (and maybe some other non-retroarch emulators) and the runcommand options. I don't really care about either of those. I use the command line to build mixed emulator/system lists (ex. attract --import-romlist mame-fba.txt --import-romlist mame-2003.txt --import-romlist mame-2010.txt --output mame-mixed.txt) so the runcommand really is more of an annoyance. I have AM set to boot and shutdown with no GUI option to go to RetroPie. The only time you ever see any text or command line from boot to play to shutdown is when you leave AM and it shuts down for a second or two. It's very clean and non-computer looking.

Do I even dare to ask if you would share your build?  ;D

I don't have a sharable image. My build isn't user friendly and I can't distribute roms or artwork from others. If you have access to the HyperSpin and EmuMovie resources I can share my configuration files and/or explain anything I've done.

Floob's image is made to be flexible for everyone to use. It's really the best place to start if you don't want to build from scratch.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:45:54 PM »
@senkun - I've gotten this to work now but thanks for asking. My issues were with the dependencies on the new SFML-pi page, they weren't enough. I also had SFML fail only because of the readme.txt missing so I copied to readme.txt.

After I got it working I'm not sure if I'll use the non-x version. In x mode, I don't see any text between the game launch and game quit. In non-x mode I see the background text, though it's only for a second. Maybe there's a way to hide it in non-x mode.

I was also hoping that the non-x mode would help me launch Kodi from a HyperSpin theme by using the runcommand. It hasn't so far. I can launch and run it from either mode but I can hear the AM theme playing in the background and also can't properly quit back to AM.

The biggest benefit to non-x mode would be advmame (and maybe some other non-retroarch emulators) and the runcommand options. I don't really care about either of those. I use the command line to build mixed emulator/system lists (ex. attract --import-romlist mame-fba.txt --import-romlist mame-2003.txt --import-romlist mame-2010.txt --output mame-mixed.txt) so the runcommand really is more of an annoyance. I have AM set to boot and shutdown with no GUI option to go to RetroPie. The only time you ever see any text or command line from boot to play to shutdown is when you leave AM and it shuts down for a second or two. It's very clean and non-computer looking.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:52:07 AM »
@Finhead - Using Floob's image isn't a fresh RetroPie 3.7 build.

Floob's build is great and I know many will benefit from it. My personal build is using HyperSpin themes and requires many modifications to his build so I would prefer to understand the process so I can easily adapt it to my build.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:53:02 PM »
Does anyone have the non x version running on a fresh RetroPie 3.7 build? I've tried a few times without success.

General / Re: Can you theme the Displays Menu?
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:16:00 PM »
This is a good question. I have played with themes from HyperSpin and when doing so it changed the "Displays Menu" to be the HyperSpin "Main Menu" graphical themes. Knowing this, it has to be possible but I don't know how to do it without using HyperSpin themes.

You can read about this in the /attractmode/loader/hyperspin.nut file.

General / Re: RPi3 and Xin-Mo usb adapter
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:00:59 PM »
It works great. You just need to add "usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040" to the end of the /boot/cmd.txt file so the Pi sees two controllers.

Some info at

If you really want to be cheap you can wire the controls to the GPIO on the Pi.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:16:22 PM »
Just a tip for those that aren't regular Linux users or are stronger Windows Users. Build out Attract-Mode in Windows and getting it working how you like on a PC or laptop and then move it (in full or more likely by Attract-Mode subdirectory excluding "emulators") to your Raspberry Pi. Floob has done a great job with his image but since you need your own artwork, roms, romlists, etc. and any other modifications you might want, this is a great method to get all the pieces you need working. You can even build it on a USB stick and use relative paths which make transferring to the Pi (or a friend's computer) easy.

Everything is portable/compatible in Attract-Mode between Windows and Linux except for the emulators (which aren't part of Attract-Mode). You can setup and configure everything in Windows without the emulators installed (of course you can't play games this way) but you can setup your romlists, artwork, displays, layouts, filters, etc.  If you want to play the games in Windows, RetroPie uses RetroArch for 90% if its emulation and is easy to setup on Windows (and a free download).

A few warnings:
1) your emulator configs will be different/need changes since the emulators and paths will be different between Windows and Linux
2) remember that your display resolutions might be different between Windows and the Pi so keep this in mind when working with the layouts and artwork
3) your Windows machine will likely play high resolution/HD videos but these video might not work on the Pi yet (I've been using lower resolution files as a result)

I prefer this method because it allows me to sit in an Easy Chair and watch TV with my laptop while I casually setup Attract-Mode and test many things. Once it's how I like it, I send it to the Pi (using SSH/FTP/SAMBA/USB).

General / Re: Attract mode shuts down automaticaly on RPi3
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:46:30 PM »

I had this issue when I used videos from my HyperSpin build. I resolved this issue by downloading lower resolution videos from (a subscription might be required).

I think the problem has to do with hardware acceleration not being enabled. There have been a bunch of posts of people trying to overcome this by using ffmpeg with hardware acceleration but there seems to be little success due to the changes that happened moving from Wheezy to Jessie and the ffmpeg dependency files.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi Image for Pi 2 and Pi 3
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:30:46 PM »

Omegaman's comments are accurate. To touch on some of your other questions...

You can delete any menu by pressing the "Tab" key then choose "Displays"--><display you want to remove>-->"Remove This Display". A better idea would be to leave the menu and just hide it. You can hide any menu from displaying by pressing the "Tab" key then choose "Displays"--><display you want to hide>-->"Show in Cycle = no" and "Show in Menu = no". This way you can always put them back if you need them (even if it's temporary just for maintenance). Another option is to change the where Attract-Mode starts by pressing the "Tab" key and choose "General"-->"Startup Mode" and choosing a different option. If you want to do any of these you'll have the issue of not being able to have a poweroff option which can be fixed by pressing the "Tab" key and choosing "General"-->"Exit Command" and entering something like "sudo poweroff".

Your question about other emulators is a good one. RetroPie allows you to choose an alternate emulator for specific roms, to my knowledge this can't currently be done in the Attract-Mode graphical interface (it can be done from the command line but will require modifications to the list.txt file produced or rules applied to get it working as you've described). You can set up and use other emulators for MAME (or any system) but they will appear on a different screen since Attract-Mode displays screens based on emulators (RetroPie displays screens based on systems).

The other RetroPie Arcade emulators can be found in these locations:
/opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2010 (not installed in Floob's image)
/opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame (not installed in Floob's image)

Understand that each of these emulators uses a different version of the MAME rom sets. First make sure you have any BIOS files that are needed installed in the rom folder ( for example). Chances are if a rom isn't working properly it probably isn't from correct MAME rom set or isn't supported at all in these versions. This is beyond the scope of this forum but there is plenty of information elsewhere. You can start at Floob provided the two best running and most compatible in his configs (mame2003 and fba-next). The ones that he doesn't have installed are experimental at this point.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi 3 Image
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:12:13 PM »
Floob, thanks for fast reply. It works great!

Thanks for your contributions on Attractmode and RetroPie.

General / Re: Raspberry Pi 3 Image
« on: April 19, 2016, 05:33:14 PM »
Floob, thanks for the great image. I tried it and learned several things that I didn't know. I have my own RetroPie/Attractmode build and would like to know how you did a few things.

1) How did you fix the keyboard from not responding?
2) How did you remove/hide the white dialog box when Attractmode launches and when a game is launched?

General / Re: Raspberry Pi 3 Image
« on: April 14, 2016, 06:02:27 PM »
Attractmode on the Pi is really nice. I have it installed on top of RetroPie 3.6 and I'm using my HyperSpin themes and it looks great.

Has anyone figured out a way to hide the white dialog box when Attractmode loads and/or suppress the command line console when running a game?

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