Got a preimaged SD card from a provider, but as far as I can tell it's running RetroPie (as it's how I configure the software using and it's the directory in /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
The first four or five times I play, it plays great.
About the fifth or sixth time I try to play, it corrupts visually (sound and game still plays, but display corrupts with purple and pink Mario heads on top and bottom - middle goes black). Again, the game responds (I can hear quarters added when button pressed, hear game start with intro, etc. - just no display beyond Mario's heads lining the top and bottom).
From the AM configure / Emulators Screen - You will see many systems that are listed, but not all systems have roms.
"Arcade" is usually one of those.
The easiest way to check what you have on your SD card is to SFTP into the PI and look in each of the rom directories.
You will probably see some folders, but no rom images in "Arcade"
Most likely you will need to look for:
fba (final burn alpha)
or one of the other mame emulators to see where the roms are.
Not all games will run correctly on a single emulator. Most of my stuff is split between Advance Mame 3.5 and Final Burn Alpha.
As far as the screen issues, make sure your video "Snaps" are not too HiRes. I have to use standard 4:3 videos from EMU Movies with mmal as the video decoder.
When I first ran my Pi , I tried to use HD video with software decoding and had some overheating issues.
Running retropie is very fun and rewarding, but it takes alot of reading and research to work thru many of these issues.
There are alot of factors. Old versions of Retropie with Advance Mame and AM had issues.
Read this thread.. It may help. last thing to check regarding your video issues.
Make sure you are not seeing an onscreen warning from your pi.
A lightning bolt is undervoltage.. which may indicate a power supply issue.
There are 2 temperature indicators that can appear on screen. One for 80-85C and the other for over 85C.
Hope this helps some.