Attract-Mode Support > General

Raspberry Pi F.A.Q.

(1/5) > >>

1. 90% of your issues will be resolved by making sure that you running the latest Raspbian, RetroPie and Attract-Mode. Please update these aspects of your Pi before asking questions.

Warning to upgraders: If you are upgrading from a version of Attract-Mode that was originally installed from the RetroPie Setup menu do not use these steps, instead upgrade using the RetroPie Setup menu like your original install. Failure to do so will result in two desperate Attract-Mode installations. This specific step is meant for people that have manually installed Attract-Mode from the command line or are installing Attract-Mode for the first time.

Upgrading Raspbian. (Raspbian wiki -

--- Code: ---sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade

--- End code ---

Upgrading RetroPie (skip this step if you aren't using RetroPie). (RetroPie wiki -

--- Code: ---sudo bash ~/RetroPie-Setup/

--- End code ---
Choose option "U Update all installed packages"

Upgrading all aspects of Attract-Mode. (Attract-Mode wiki -

--- Code: ---cd ~; mkdir develop

sudo apt-get install cmake libflac-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libfreetype6-dev libudev-dev libjpeg-dev libudev-dev libfontconfig1-dev

cd ~/develop
git clone --depth 1 sfml-pi
mkdir sfml-pi/build; cd sfml-pi/build
cmake .. -DSFML_RPI=1 -DEGL_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DEGL_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/ -DGLES_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/vc/include -DGLES_LIBRARY=/opt/vc/lib/
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

cd ~/develop
git clone --depth 1 git://
cd ffmpeg
./configure --enable-mmal --disable-debug --enable-shared
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

cd ~/develop
git clone --depth 1 attract
cd attract
make USE_GLES=1
sudo make install USE_GLES=1

cd ~; rm -r -f ./develop

--- End code ---

2. If you started with anything other than the latest RetroPie image directly from the RetroPie website, ask the creator of the image for solutions to your problems. They will be better suited to answer them since Attract-Mode can be built and configured many different ways.

3. Videos don't play, stutter, turn grey, etc.. Enable hardware video decoding or use lower resolution videos.
To enable hardware video decoding: Configure-->General-->Video Decoder = mmal (if you can't select "mmal" run the steps for Attract-Mode upgrade in F.A.Q. #1)

4. I have random weird things happen when I exit a game or use a RetroPie configuration menu. This is an old known bug, run the steps for Attract-Mode upgrade in F.A.Q. #1 to fix it.

5. Some emulators like Daphne and Advance MAME run behind AM (a.k.a. in the background), my RetroPie runcommand dialog doesn't show in AM, or my RetroPie Setup Menu doesn't work properly in AM. Configure-->General-->Window Mode = FullScreen Mode

6. How can I access the /home/pi/.attract/ folder from Windows without using 3rd party software? You can use the RetroPie GUI that is described here

You can do it from the command line like this:

--- Code: ---sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

--- End code ---
Add these lines to the end of the file

--- Code: ---[attractmode]
comment = attractmode
path = "/home/pi/.attract"
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0644
directory mask = 0755
force user = pi

--- End code ---
restart the samba service

--- Code: ---sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

--- End code ---

7. How can I easily create custom wheels across mutiple emulators using the AM GUI? See this thread .

8. I have a lot of roms, how can I skip a page or a letter at a time?

Set these controls:
Configure-->Controls-->Previous Page
Configure-->Controls-->Next Page
Configure-->Controls-->Previous Letter
Configure-->Controls-->Next Letter

9. How can I add menus to switch booting from Attract-Mode to EmulationStation and vice versa? How can I run RetroPie Setup options from Attract-Mode? This post has a script to setup it up

If you want to manually create a menu for the RetroPie Setup options in Attract-Mode see this post . (Make sure you set Configure-->General-->Window Mode = FullScreen Mode)

10. In MAME emulators I see the romnames and not the friendly/nice looking game names. See these posts and

11. I misconfigured my controls and now I can't make changes to correct them.

Reset your inputs to the default input mapping.

--- Code: ---nano ~/.attract/attract.cfg

--- End code ---
Replace the entire "input_map" section with the defaults listed below

--- Code: ---input_map
configure            Tab
prev_letter          Up+LControl
next_letter          Down+LControl
filters_menu         Left+LControl
next_filter          Right+LControl
configure            Escape+Up
edit_game            Escape+Down
add_favourite        Escape+LControl
prev_letter          Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button0
next_letter          Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button0
filters_menu         Joy0 Left+Joy0 Button0
next_filter          Joy0 Right+Joy0 Button0
configure            Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button1
edit_game            Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button1
add_favourite        Joy0 Button0+Joy0 Button1
back                 Escape
back                 Joy0 Button1
up                   Up
up                   Joy0 Up
down                 Down
down                 Joy0 Down
left                 Left
left                 Joy0 Left
right                Right
right                Joy0 Right
select               Return
select               LControl
select               Joy0 Button0
default             back exit
default             up prev_game
default             down next_game
default             left prev_display
default             right next_display

--- End code ---
Restart Attract-Mode

12. How can I get rid of the boot text and images? Checkout this

13. How can I get rid of the terminal/console text I see when I launch a game or exit a game? Check out this post

14. How can I have Attract-Mode default to my "Favorites" romlist instead of the "All" romlist? See this post

(moderator edit: updated retropie URLs since the github wiki content has been moved to the main site)


I'm building this in a pi3. Started from a freshly installed (latest) retropie image from retropie website, and followed all the steps.
However, when building ffmpeg with mmal, in the step when you do:

./configure --enable-mmal --disable-debug --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared

it does not recognize the  --enable-memalign-hack option (it says unknown option), so i had to omit that option and do:

./configure --enable-mmal --disable-debug --enable-shared

to be able to continue. Is that something to be concerned about? i'm getting some warnings when compiling (no errors, though) and i dont know if those warnings are supposed to happen...


--- Quote from: hi-ban on March 23, 2017, 07:12:56 PM ---Hi!

I'm building this in a pi3. Started from a freshly installed (latest) retropie image from retropie website, and followed all the steps.
However, when building ffmpeg with mmal, in the step when you do:

./configure --enable-mmal --disable-debug --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared

it does not recognize the  --enable-memalign-hack option (it says unknown option), so i had to omit that option and do:

./configure --enable-mmal --disable-debug --enable-shared

to be able to continue. Is that something to be concerned about? i'm getting some warnings when compiling (no errors, though) and i dont know if those warnings are supposed to happen...

--- End quote ---

I can confirm that the new ffmeg no longer supports the --enable-memalign-hack switch and it does seem to compile ok. I have adjusted the steps above to reflect the change.

I finished to compile it and i have the option to select mmal. However, my menus are a lot slower when using mmal, so i'm using software right now...

I'm glad you got it working. If mmal decoding is slower than software decoding your videos might not be using codecs supported by mmal. If this is the case, mmal tries to load them and fails so it resorts to using software decoding anyways. This could be the reason that mmal is slower on your build.


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