Re ! My problem with AM is :
Because what i want to do is not working. In fact, I found a solution to launch Model2 and DemulShooter at the same time using the lines below :
executable cmd
args /c cd C:/Attract-Mode/emulators/Model2/ & start DemulShooter.exe -target=model2 -rom=[name] & start C:/Attract-Mode/emulators/Model2/emulator_multicpu.exe - [name]
rompath C:/Attract-Mode/emulators/Model2/roms/
The problem is that Attract mode continues to play menu vidéo sounds once in the emulator and the hotkey to exit no longer works. When I quit Model2 with ESCAPE, the emulator minimizes, but does not close. I think it's because Attract-Mode only handles exe's and not command lines. I therefore thought of closemul in order to be able to launch only Model2 in exe and that it is Closemul which is in charge of launching DemulShooter. Sorry if my english is bad...