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Topics - javeryh

Pages: [1]
General / Video/Snap is off center when Exiting to Gamelist - help!
« on: October 11, 2021, 02:34:36 PM »
Hoping there is an easy fix for this.  30 second explanation:


Themes / ArcadeSD Vertical Theme?
« on: October 06, 2021, 07:13:39 PM »
Has anyone recreated the ArcadeSD theme/layout in Attract Mode for vertical orientation?  I am trying to make an extremely simple arcade-only 3:4 set up and the ArcadeSD menu seems perfect - no bells and whistles.

Wheel art/logo up top, snap or video in the middle and some instructions on the bottom (“Move joystick to select game.  Press P1 Start button to play.”).  The star field in the background is a nice touch too.

I am new to this front end and saw a giant thread about this theme but didn’t see any mention of it working in portrait mode.


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