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Topics - dmmarti

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General / 3D Printed Retro Computer … PI-IV/B
« on: September 24, 2021, 08:39:22 AM »
Hey everyone!

I’ve completed my 3D printing project and wanted to show it.

I 3D printed a retro styled computer case and installed a Raspberry Pi 4B into it.  I’ve setup RetroPie and I use the Attract Mode frontend for the menu system.

Here’s the Youtube video showcasing it.

It was a fun project and I had a great time building it.

I’ve got it setup using a 4TB external HDD for rom storage.

My Attract Mode build has over 150 real systems … with around 405 or so different menu wheels (including collections, etc).

If you want to know more or see more details of the build … let me know.



The 3D STL files are located here on Thingiverse.

For a full list of the systems I have running on it, you can access my Google drive online document.

General / Platform Videos - Scanned Theme - 16x9
« on: September 18, 2021, 08:45:01 AM »
Hey Group!

I've just completed and uploaded a new set of 16x9 platform videos for use with Attract Mode (and any frontend really).

These are 16x9 in size (1080p/30) and are meant to be used used full screen.

Here's a Youtube link with a quick demo of them.


A new set of platform videos for use with all of the various gaming frontends.

Attract Mode
etc., etc.

There are 465 new platform videos covering:

category menus (nested menus)
arcade boards
pinball a few others thrown in

All of these are available at the links below.

See the full list of supported systems here:

There are a few more platform videos I'd like to make so that 465 might be wrong at time of posting.

EmuMovies FTP:

/Upload Here/_Video Snap Submissions/DMarti

Two sets are available here:

1fichier link:

Only the 1080p/30 are available here.
--------------------------- link:

Only the 1080p/30 are available here:

Please share with others and hopefully they are enjoyed!

Windows PC - Attract Mode - Retroarch - MESS systems

Hey group, ever wanted to tinker around with MESS based systems on a Windows PC build with Retroarch?

I've slowly been working through this process and adding MESS based systems using Retroarch.  So far, I've been able to figure out quite a few systems using this method.

It's easier on a Raspberry Pi / RetroPie build to do it - but i wanted to also get it working on my Windows PC build.

I've worked out a method to get any MESS based system working and it's easy to add new ones (it might take a little bit to figure out the exact MESS command line arguments though).

Using this method, you do not need to adhere to the old MESS convention of using the Hash files.  Setting up Retroarch/MAME core to not use software lists makes this possible.

The latest MAME Retroarch core includes MESS built into it so there is no separate MESS core.

Sorry for the long post and I hope it makes sense. 
If anyone would like to see a video demo of this method, let me know and I'll make one and post it.

I'll work through the method here and demonstrate it using the Bally Astrocade system.


High level overview of this method:

Attract Mode will launch a special Windows *.bat file and pass it the '[romfilename]' value.

This special *.bat file is located in the Retroarch directory.

The *.bat file is used as a command line launcher script so we can pass MESS based command line arguments to it.

This allows the ability to setup cassette, floppy assignments, memory expansions, etc.

The *.bat file creates a secondary MESS *.cmd file with the MESS command line parameters and then launches it.

This launches Retroarch with the MAME (MESS) core with the new command line parameters and our rom file.



Windows PC Attract Mode
Retroarch with the latest MAME core installed (it has MESS built into it)
MAME/MESS BIOS files (obtained from latest MAME and latest MAME Software List versions)

The BIOS files go into the Retroarch\system folder

General / Attract Mode media files: video snaps and overviews
« on: May 25, 2020, 03:28:41 PM »
Hey group,

I’ve been making system video snaps for quite awhile now .. that I re-use when making various themes with.

I’ve also been working on a massive Attract Mode overview file repo to try and cover as many systems/games as I can.

Hope some find them useful!



System Videos (HQ)(4x3)

These are in the same style as the EM Default (HQ)(4x3) platform videos from EmuMovies.  They are 640x480 system platform videos.

I’ve uploaded them all to a 1fichier online storage location.  This way, bulk downloaders like JDownloader can be used to download more than one-at-a-time.

1fichier link:


System Videos (720p)(16x9)

These are in the same style as the Unified platform videos from EmuMovies.  They are 720p 16x9 system platform videos.

I’ve uploaded them all to a 1fichier online storage location.  This way, bulk downloaders like JDownloader can be used to download more than one-at-a-time.

1fichier link:


Attract Mode Game Overview Files

I’ve been compiling a large Github repo with game overview files.

They are named using the No-Intro/Hyperspin naming.  I’ve been able to gather quite a large selection from MAME to consoles/handhelds and older computer systems.

There’s almost 50,000 files at this current time.

Github link:

Themes / Arcade1Up 5:4 theme
« on: February 06, 2020, 11:20:48 AM »
I wanted to expand a little bit on jedione’s recent arcade1up related theme and add in a secondary systems theme along with a displays menu/nested menu theme.

This theme is setup for 5:4 aspect ratio TVs.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Themes / New Theme: Comic Crazy Too
« on: January 09, 2020, 02:32:28 PM »
Hey everyone,

Dwayne Hurst and I have created a theme for Attract Mode with a comic book vibe.

Formatted for 16x9 resolution TVs/monitors and supporting around 300 systems and collections.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Themes / New theme: Graffiti
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:25:28 AM »
A new niche theme utilizing the Attract Mode Overview game description files.

A graffiti looking theme with a purple/yellow color pallette.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Additional downloads

These theme uses Overview files to show game descriptions..

These files should be placed in a sub-folder within Attract Mode with the following folder structure.

Attract Mode/scraper/(system)/overview

A special scraper/system folder (@) includes overview files to show a synopsis of various systems.

Here's a Github repo with a large amount of Overview files for various systems.

Click on the green Clone/Download button
Download the ZIP file
Copy the scraper folder's contents to the Attract Mode scraper folder.

Themes / New Theme: Space Deck
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:22:49 AM »
Here’s a new theme from Dwayne Hurst (the Emulation Station theme maker).

Similiar to the Star Trek LCARS computer system.

Formatted for 16:9 screens.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Themes / New theme - Beyond Basics
« on: January 02, 2020, 06:43:54 AM »
Here’s a new theme from Dwayne Hurst (the Emulation Station theme maker).

More akin to a Hyperspin style theme using fading wheel art and boxart/cartart.

This theme uses higher resolution background PNG files suitable for HD or 4K TV's.

Formatted for 16:9 screens.

There are two themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Themes / New theme: 80's
« on: January 02, 2020, 06:40:59 AM »
Here’s a new theme from Dwayne Hurst (the Emulation Station theme maker).

it’s a smaller theme with an 80’s style look and feel using a listbox instead of wheel art.

Formatted for 16:9 screens.

There are three different themes.

*_menu = meant for the Displays Menu/nested category displays
*_arcades = meant for individual MAME related displays
*_systems = meant for the individual systems displays

The download links are located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

Themes / Smooth theme for scrolling Overview game descriptions
« on: November 23, 2019, 10:36:49 AM »
UPDATE: Theme is released along with repo for Overview files

I've uploaded the theme to Github along with another repo with Overview files for a lot of systems.

Youtube demo of released theme:

Download from Github

Click on the green Clone/Download button
Download the ZIP file
Copy the theme folder to Attract Mode’s layouts folder
Assign the theme to the various displays

Additional downloads

These theme uses Overview files to show game descriptions..

These files should be placed in a sub-folder within Attract Mode with the following folder structure.

Attract Mode/scraper/(system)/overview

A special scraper/system folder (@) includes overview files to show a synopsis of various systems.

Here's a Github repo with a large amount of Overview files for various systems.

Click on the green Clone/Download button
Download the ZIP file
Copy the scraper folder's contents to the Attract Mode scraper folder.

-original post-

Here's a new theme I'm working on (will be given a proper name later) showing the scrolling of the Overview game descriptions.

Special thanks to @jedione for the help!

Getting the Overview files scrolling vertically was one thing I've always struggled with....but now I think I've got it!

Themes / Neon (WIP) horizontal theme
« on: November 22, 2019, 05:12:54 AM »
Here's a work-in-progress horizontal scrolling theme I've been working on.

There's still a few things I'd like to work on, but I think it's in a usable version now.

The neon_menu theme uses the menu-art/flyer images when scrolling while the neon_systems theme includes them within the theme itself.

There are two themes:

neon_menu - used for the main Displays Menu / Nested Menu displays
neon_systems - used for the individual system displays

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

In my build of Attract Mode, I've set the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to be previous game/next game for a more normal scrolling feel.  I also set the UP/DOWN arrows the same way .. makes it easier to use themes of both styles (horizontal and vertical) and have a more normal scrolling feel on the gamepad.

Here is the download link for system flyers.

There are two versions.  A standard version and a bordered version.

Themes / BigCade - arcade oriented theme
« on: November 16, 2019, 02:27:28 PM »
Here’s a simple theme for arcade related displays.

Its setup to use MAME marquees.  It’ll display a default MAME system marquee (matching the DisplayName) if a game specific one doesn’t exist.  It includes around 35 or so MAME system marquees.  There is a layout option to toggle game marquees on/off.

There are four color choices for the cabinet image (blue, red, green, and yellow).

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

MAME marquees

Here’s a download link for optimized MAME marquees (flyers are also included in the download).

Place them into the appropriate folder and make sure to have your Attract Mode's emulator config file setup with the correct path for "marquee".

Themes / MVSOps (CoinOps style theme with MVS cabinet)
« on: November 11, 2019, 03:58:49 AM »
Here’s an MVS oriented version of a theme based upon the CoinOps theme.

Its setup to use MAME marquees and flyers.  It’ll display a default MAME marquee/flyer if a game specific one doesn’t exist.

There are three color choices for the background image (blue, red, and green).

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

MAME flyers and marquees

Here’s a download link for optimized MAME flyers and marquees.  I found using too high of resolution PNG files caused the wheel navigation to lag a little bit.  I’ve resized the PNG media so now it’s more responsive when scrolling.

Place them into the appropriate folder and make sure to have your Attract Mode's emulator config file setup with the correct path for "flyer" and "marquee".

Themes / ArcadeOps Theme (based on CoinOps)
« on: November 01, 2019, 02:41:41 PM »
Here’s my version of a theme based upon the CoinOps theme.

Its setup to use MAME marquees and flyers.  It’ll display a default MAME marquee/flyer if a game specific one doesn’t exist.

There are three color choices for the background image (blue, red, and green).

The download link is located here:

Here is a short video demo of it in action.

MAME flyers and marquees

Here’s a download link for optimized MAME flyers and marquees.  I found using too high of resolution PNG files caused the wheel navigation to lag a little bit.  I’ve resized the PNG media so now it’s more responsive when scrolling.

Place them into the appropriate folder and make sure to have your Attract Mode's emulator config file setup with the correct path for "flyer" and "marquee".

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