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General OS X (mac) help here

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This thread is for MAC OS X questions relating to attract mode and emulation. For help on the emulator itself please see that emulator's thread. Also note that this is for setting up quickly. Any in depth questions or problems should be looked for on that emulator's forum!

Does anyone have any success in OSX with emulators other than MAME? I'm trying to run any SNES emulator through attract mode, but have yet to succeed. My mame setup is working great. I can get snes9x to run a rom directly from the terminal with the command:

open -a roms/

However, I cannot get any sort of success with running snes9x or zsnes through attract-mode on OSX.

I checked with Verion (a known OSX user) but he's only a MAME user.

I just want to get a multi-emulator front end working, and I love attract mode for MAME.


mame on osx

Can some MAC users step up and help please. If any of you have non-mame emulators (nes, snes, sms, megadrive) running under attract mode help this person out! Come on this is what this forum is for!

I don't use mac but let me see if I can help a lest a little!  Help me out here:

open -a <-- what is this for? <-- is the "executable"?
roms/ <-- is the rom?

make your config look like this:

# Generated by Attract-Mode 1.5.2
args                 "[romfilename]" <--- this might be your biggest culprit
rompath              roms
romext               .zip

I have to ask you have are you sure that is a SNES rom? Normally snes9x uses "long file name" roms check your zip to see what type file it should be a .sfc extension.


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