EDIT: I separated the layouts into separate archives and threads and posted the newest version in three new threads here:
CoinOps layout: http://forum.attractmode.org/index.php?topic=484.0
Finalburn layout: http://forum.attractmode.org/index.php?topic=483.0
Xtras layout: http://forum.attractmode.org/index.php?topic=482.0
please refer to the above threads for the latest versions.First of all: I love Attract Mode. I have searched through dozens of PC frontends trying to find something that would resemble what I have setup on my old XBox classic. Attract Mode is by far the best. It is fast, completely customizable and works reliably.
Over the last week, I made three themes based on the XBox homebrew emulator skins:
- one layout for home systems based on the default skins of the Madmab edition emulators, called "xtras"
- one layout for arcade based on CoinOPs 7, called "coinops"
- one layout for arcade based on Finalburn Legends, called "finalburn"
I will attach the layout files tonight. I intended them to be used with the boxart, marquee and videos that came with the XBox Classic emulation packages, specifically the Resurrection Xtras packs, CoinOPS, and Final Burn Legends. The complete versions of those contain thousands of preview videos that will be played in the layouts. The videos on the xbox are in xmv format, but can be converted to avi using
ffmpeg.exe -i xxx.xmv -codec copy xxx.avi
for use in Attract Mode.
However, my layouts can be used with any marquee, snapshot, box art, snaps and/or video previews. They are not limited to the xtras packs.
For now, here are some screenshots of the layouts powering my mame, finalburn alpha, snes, and amiga collections. I think the xtras layout requires more work, but I am pretty happy with the two arcade layouts so far.